Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Minced parsley

Mains Aromatic after taste with chilli, celery salt and nutmeg Oil Pepper ...

Mash the baked baking potato in a bowl with a fork and mix the other ingredients in. Taste with spices. Is the "father" for wet, may be mixed. A little more oatmeal in. Form the fry dishes with a tablespoon and put them on the forehead at low heat for 4-5 minu

Mains Pepper Salt Minced parsley ...

Distribute fish fillets with plaice, scrub or icing into a greased ovenproof dish. Sweat coarse celery, coarse carrots and pears cut into thin rings in margarine. Pour dry white wine or fish broth and let the vegetables simmer approx. 5 minutes. Add chopped pa

Mains A few sprigs of thyme Pepper Salt ...

Divide the chicken into pieces of pieces. Melt the butter golden and shake the bacon pieces light brown. Then brown the chicken pieces. Take them out of the pan and season the onions. Bring the meat back into the pan and add carrots and potatoes. Pour the wine

Mains Chopped parsley for garnish Pepper Salt ...

Arrow the bulbs and tear them down. Mix them with the meat and season with salt pepper and curry. Whip the eggs together in a bowl. Stir them in the meatfare. Peel the potatoes and tear them. Push them dry with a clean cloth and mix the mass in the drip. Fin

Mains Pepper Red bell pepper Minced parsley ...

Cook quiniua after instructions on the package. Chop or blend almonds if necessary. Carrot or teardrop. Chop parsley, spoon pepper and onion onions and add to the bowl. Add quiniua, garlic, flour, egg, oatmeal, chillisovs, salt and pepper and stir well togethe

Soups Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

Peel the squash and tear it roughly. Let it boil in the water. Add salt and spices. Tear the carrots and potatoes roughly. Chop the loaf and let it boil for approx. 10 min. Bring chopped meat, chopped tomatoes, boulion cubes, salt, pepper and parsley. Simmer f

Soups Game/Chanterelle Fund Chopped tomatoes Sundried tomatoes (the oil poured from ...

The lenses are rinsed and boiled in leachate water. The water is said from. The carrots are peeled and cut into slices. Shake and chop the parsley. The onions are peeled and chopped. Celery is cut in tern. Dissolve the broths in the water and put the pre-coo