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Recipes with Buttermilk

Desserts (warm) Icing sugar Coconut oil/oil/margarine Salt ...

Pour liquid and other ingredients into a bowl, except for egg whites. Beat it for about 2 minutes. Let the dough rest for 1/2 hour. Whip the egg whites stiff. Turn it into the dough. Melt the grease into baking.

Mains Salt Eggs Buttermilk ...

I tasted this delicious flatbread at Roskilde Dyreskue, and this recipe followed me. Mix flour, buttermilk and eggs. Enjoy them well together. Form the dough into small balls. Press them flat. Pour bread on a dry forehead by even heat. Turn them a few t

Bread, buns & biscuits Fine salt Bicarbonate of soda Buttermilk ...

Mix all the dry ingredients together, make a dug in the middle and pour half of the cauliflower and eat a little, the dough is going to be very blood but not glued, adding a bit of cheese to your meal while you eat it (you may not need all the caernic milk). S

Soups Kammerjunkers Vanilla rod Buttermilk ...

1.Pis the egg yolks creamy with sugar and vanilla seeds. Stir lemon juice and buttermilk in. 2.Clear the cold bowl in the fridge for an hour and serve it with chambermaids.

Lunch (to go) Fill to madbrød Pepper Fine salt ...

Whole bread: melt the butter in a saucepan. Take the saucepan off the heat and add water and buttermilk. The mixture must be small-fingered. Pour it into a bowl and stir the yeast out. Add the remaining ingredients (hold ½ dl wheat flour back). Beat the dough

Various Body-force, protein powder Eggs Bananas ...

The ingredients (except the protein powder) are thoroughly blended. The protein powder is stirred in. Pour into a form of baking paper (do not raise) Baked at 175 degrees for 60 minutes. Cool and cut into 12 pieces tips: Energy 151 kcal Protein 18 g

Cakes in form Cocoa Melted margarine Bicarbonate of soda ...

200 degrees for approx. 30 min Whip it all together at once and throw it in the oven. Ice cream: start melting the margarine in a saucepan and pour the rest of the ingredients into the pan with the melted margarine.

Desserts (warm) A little oil Oil Vanilla after taste ...

Mix all ingredients. Step the pancakes until golden. tips: You may pour some oil into a glass or a cup and use a silicone brush to lubricate your forehead with. That way you do not get too much oil on your forehead :)