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Recipes with Spring onions

Mains Fresh spruce needles (same amount as thyme) White pepper Garlic at will ...

The chopped wildflower fillet is browned in olive oil. Seasoned with salt and white pepper. Timian and fresh neighbors are brought to the blender and mixed with coarse salt. The browned fillet is rolled into the spice mixture and wrapped in a pork tenderloi

Mains Pepper Salt Paprika ...

Cut the meat into thin strips. Cut the spring bulbs into slices and the sponges in quarter pieces, and chop the white lacquer well. Whip all the stuff to the sauce together in a bowl. Season with salt and freshly ground pepper. Heat the wok up with 1 tbs

Mains 2 x 150 g smoked chicken fillet Spring onions Lime ...

Red onion cut into fine tern Carrot cut in quarters long, then in fine slices Chicken is cut into fine slices Chop mint. Mix the mayonnaise with cream fraiche, add red onion, carrot and mint, taste with salt and pepper. Add chicken. Cut the avocado ou

Soups Bread croutons Pepper Salt ...

1. Cut the thick stems of the broccoli 2.Plast the broccoli and divide it into small bouquets.waste the onions and in a slice them in the rings. 3. Peel the vegetable broth in a bowl. 4. Heat the oil into a large pot and sauté the vegetables. Then pour the

Mains Pepper Salt Coriander seeds ...

Potatoes: Turn on the oven at 225 degrees. Clean the potatoes and halve them. Cut the tomatoes. Put potatoes and tomatoes between each other in a greased ovenproof dish. Blend 3 tbsp. Oil, lemon juice, garlic, almonds, 1/2 bunch of parsley, salt and pepper for

Salads Dijon mustard Honey Mayonaisse ...

Spider bowl and spring onions are cut very nicely and mixed in a bowl. Cranberries are chopped roughly and mixed with. Stir yoghurt, mustard and mayonnaise together and taste with a little salt. Mix the dressing with the vegetables. There must not be too muc

Mains Fresh chilimix as needed Pepper Parsley ...

Mix the chicken phase with the following ingredients: onion, onion, garlic, egg, salt, pepper, chilimix, parsley, rasp, flour and milk. Let the dad drag for an hour, like longer. Grease a fireproof dish in a suitable size and then lay the bay leaves divided

Mains Red bell pepper Red onion Cherry tomatoes ...

Start putting a little margarine on the forehead and raise the chickens on each side for about 2 minutes. After that, put them in an ovenproof dish with a little oil over, salt and barbecue. Place in the oven at 200 degrees C. Boil the pasta and let it dry