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Recipes with Spring onions

Mains Spring onions Water Cucumber ...

The cucumber is split into 4 parts, the kernels are removed and the 4 pieces are cut into slices of approx. 1/2 cm. Mushrooms and spring leaves are also cut into 1/2 cm slices. All vegetables are sautéed in hot oil for approx. 3 min. Water is added and the veg

Mains Pepper Salt Balsamic vinegar, dark ...

The sponges are cleaned. Let the little ones stay the rest and share the bigger mushrooms so they have the same size. Clean and rinse the spring bulbs and cut them into diagonal pieces of approx. 3 cm. Stir vinegar, soy sauce, finely chopped ginger and pota

Mains White pepper Salt Potato flour ...

Cut the salmon fillet and the smoked salmon into small pieces. Put it in a food processor with egg, potato flour, salt and pepper - run to the farmer is even. Add the finely chopped basil, onions and spring onions. Let the father rest a little in the fridge.

Mains Pepper Salt Cucumber ...

The salad is made first. Cut all the ingredients into suitable pieces and sprinkle some salt over the lime juice and style in the refrigerator. Spoon oil, dill, lemon juice and gently mix and spread the salmon chops, sprinkle with salt pepper and grill for

Mains Pepper Salt Oil ...

Cut the salmon into thick strips, warm the oil on a thickened forehead, put the salmon strips and stir them with even heat until golden. Take the salmon strips of the forehead and drop them on a kitchen roll. Bring scrambled peppers, peas and veins in qua

Mains Lemon Nutmeg Olive oil ...

Fish: Spinach is blanched in boiling water. On the fish first put a layer of spinach spiced with salt, pepper, fried nutmeg and a slight lemon juice. The potatoes cut into thin slices are laid up on the roof. Lubricate easily with olive oil. Bake in the oven a

Mains Minced garlic Ground cloves Udkernet and finely chopped red chilli ...

Put the fish in a greased oven dish. The spice mixture is stirred together and distributed on top. The dish is covered with aluminum foil. Place in the oven at 200 degrees for approx. 15 minutes until the fish is white and firm. The papay fruit is peeled, h

Salads Pepper Salt Spring onions ...

Clean the asparagus and cut them into appropriate slices. Also clean and cut onions and radishes. Whip vinegar together with mustard and add the oil a little at a time. Season with crushed garlic, salt and pepper. Turn the vegetables with the dressing an