Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Spring onions

Mains Liquid margarine for frying pan Green pepper Small chopped onion ...

Chop onions, peppers, spring onions and parsley very nicely. Put the meat in a bowl and add eggs, milk, flour, salt and pepper and mix well with a hand mixer Add onions, peppers, spring onion and parsley. Pour some margarine on the forehead. Fry the dishes

Mains 4 apples Buttermilk or yogurt mixed with water or milk and pressed garlic and salt Salt mixed with curry ...

Stir whole aubergines on the forehead for a few minutes until they are fairly soft. Cut the top of the tomatoes, peppers and any apples of it to be used as a lid to close them again after filling with the rest of the ingredients later. Pour tomatoes, auberg

Mains Or 5 dl. cream fine 15% Pepper Salt ...

Cut the chicken and vegetables into small pieces. Melt margarine in a saucepan and sweat curry and pepper. Put the chicken in the pan, pour it into peppers - champions and spring onions in the pan, add salt - pepper and broth let it simmer a little. Add coo

Mains Basil Bread Torn shell of 1 lemon ...

Season the salmon with salt and pepper and sprinkle it for 4-5 minutes on each side. Boil the pasta. Bring lemon juice, peel, cream and water in a boil. Add sliced ​​spring onions and sugar peas to half and cook for 2 minutes with low heat. Season with salt

Mains Minced parsley Olive at will Pepper ...

Cut the potatoes into suitable pieces and turn them into a marinade of olive oil, garlic, white wine vinegar, salt and pepper. Cut red and spring onions in fine slices. Peel the cucumber, chop it lengthwise, scrape the kernels or cut it into slices. Blsnd the

Mains A small chili Pepper Chopped tomatoes ...

Mashed potatoes: Peel the potatoes into smaller pieces Boil them in a pot for about 20 minutes Pour the water and season with an electric whip, add milk and butter and season with salt and pepper. Kødsovs: Let the butter golden in a thickened pot and add

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

The beef can be turned into mixed flour, South salt and black pepper and sprinkle on the pan in 150 grams of butter. The beef can be placed in a large pot (10 liters). Onions, carrots and garlic hakes and swirled in the butter on the forehead that was used

Lunch Wholemeal bread Pepper Chives ...

Egg Cake: * Turn on the oven at 200º. * Season onions and curry in half of the oil. * Put squash, pepper and potatoes in the tern on the forehead and sweat for a couple of minutes. * Add water and put a lid on the forehead. * Boil until the water is evapora