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Recipes with Spring onions

Mains Pepper Salt Spring onions ...

Swine fever is freed for seniors and cut into 4 elbows 6 small medallions that are pressed by hand on the cutting surface until they are approx. 2-3 cm thick. They were cooked on a hot forehead for approx. 6 min on each side. Season with salt and pepper.

Mains Pepper Salt Spring onions ...

Free the tenderloin for the tendons and obstacles. Cut them into 2 cm wide pieces. Press them flat on the cutting surface. Allow oil and butter to warm in a thickened pot. Brown sirloin steaks on both sides. Take them out of the pan. Add onions in blocks

Mains Pepper Salt Spring onions ...

Mørbradspid: Cut the meat into suitable pieces and put it alternately with mushrooms and spring onions on the grill. Brush with oil and soy sauce, preferably in good time before putting on the hot grill. Turn regularly over the frying, which is approx. 15 min

Mains Basil, dried Spring onions Parsley, fresh ...

Pudding the darkness of obstruction. Cut it obliquely for 2-3 cm. Slicing and pressing them lightly with the cutting surface upwards. Stir the tenderloin stews 2-3 minutes on each side. Sprinkle with salt and pepper. The steaks are kept warm. gorgonzola: C

Mains Dijon mustard Spring onions Chopped red onion ...

Boil the potatoes with peel, peel, cool and cut into small terns. The potato mix is ​​mixed with red onions and spring onions. The ingredients of the dressing are shaken together in a flourisher and poured over the potato, red onions and spring onions. The sal

Salads Pepper Salt Red onion ...

Boil the potatoes with peel, rinse with cold water and peel. Boil if necessary. Potatoes the day before. The vegetables are flushed and sliced: The tomatoes are cut into thin boats, the onions are cut into the rings. The mango fruit is halved outside the stone

Soups Salt Sugar White pepper ...

Cut rhubarb and lemongrass fine. Bring the wings, vegetables, soup, garlic, salt (max 1/2 tbsp) and pepper in a saucepan, pour cold water until it covers. Boil and simmer the dish approx. 1.5 hours until the meat is tender. Boil rhubarb and lemongrass with the

Mains Pepper Cucumber Lemon juice ...

The salmon steaks are laid on a greased pan. Oil, dill, lemon juice, lemon peel, salt and pepper are whipped together and lubricated on the fish. Grilles under the oven grill approx. 5 min. Until the fish is just tender. Salad: The cucumber and onions are