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Recipes with Onion

Mains Pepper Salt Peeled chopped tomatoes ...

The bulbs are peeled and cut in half and then in slices. The perber fruits are cleansed for cores and split lengthwise about 1.5 cm. Thick strips. Brush the chops on a frying pan and season with salt and pepper. Place the chops in a large refractory dish i

Lunch Sour cream Onion Chives ...

Chop onions and chop them brown on a forehead, put them on some greasy-absorbing paper. Chop chilli and chive carefully and put it in a bowl (also use chili peas). Fathers, rasp, cremefraiche and onions are served in the bowl with a little salt and pebbles

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

The supporters are made and cut into fine cubes, which are put into boiling, lazy salt for 2 minutes. The water is poured off and the vegetables are brushed over with cold water. The loop is chopped. Fettucini is boiled in leachate water following ins

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Potatoes and parsnips peeled and boiled. Remember to get salt in the water. Onion and bacon cut into fine tern and sautéed on a pan. When the onion has begun to become transparent, lightly scrub the pan, season the pheasant with salt and pepper and place i

Mains Cheddar or other cheese for topping if you are to the Possibly Brussels sprouts if you ka li it and just have it lying Pepper ...

Chop onion, mushroom, celery, olive, garlic and sauté in a pan. Add beef and brown with cayenne pepper, peppers, thyme, salt and pepper Add 1/3 of the chop. Tomato and whole tomato paste Cut out of the peppers by cutting around the green at the top and fi

Mains 0.5-1 garlic 1 ds. coconut milk Curry ...

Finely chopped onion and possibly garlic easily swirled with curry The meat is browned with loaf and salt and pepper Then the cabbage is switched with Then add chopped tomato and possibly coconut milk and let it boil for about 5 minutes tips: Perhaps a

Mains Eggs Onion Wheat flour ...

The lid is cut into small cubes. Meat, onion, egg, rasp and flour are well mixed together. Season with salt and pepper. The pan is heated. The father is shaped with a tablespoon, to meatballs. Stir in equal parts of rapeseed oil and butter. tips: For fri

Mains Pepper Salt Lime juice ...

Funnel must be mixed with 1 lime, lime juice, oil salt and pepper in a plastic bag and lay the shark pieces and marinate for a couple of hours. Moss: Potatoes and celery are peeled and cut into smaller pieces, boil without salt and mashed into a coarse mas