Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Green bell pepper Handful of Basil Handful of parsley ...

Kalkunsteg: Shake the pine nuts. Take Garlic, Sun dried tomatoes, Parsley, Basil and Pinjekerner along with approx. 1/2 dl oil and blend it. The mass would like to remind you of a pesto consistency. Cut the turkey breast through the middle, so there is an u

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Put the meat in neutrally flavoring oil in a deep saucepan. Chop the onions and cut the carrots into slices. When the meat is browned add onions and carrots. Let the onions become golden and then add the snap and the coffee. Allow the alcohol to evaporate a

Dressing Chili Greek yogurt Coriander (powder) ...

Mos the avocados, do not blend them as the taste actually changes significantly. Put the mash in a bowl with the yogurt. Chop onion, chili and tomato finely, mix with avocado, yoghurt and add spices. tips: If gaucamolen is to be served later, you can

Mains Pepper Green bell pepper Yellow bell pepper ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into slices. Give them a small boil for approx. 10 min. Pick them up and drop them off. Mix the chopped beef with chopped honey. Onion and crushed garlic and salt and pepper to taste. Spread the dad into the bottom of a pan

Mains Corn flour cornstarch Oil Pepper ...

Heat oil in a large pot. Bring the little meatloaf well together with the bacon nuts. Add salt, pepper, hk. Onions, mushrooms in slices, peppers in small tern. Let the dish simmer approx. 5-10 min such. Then add water and the hp. tomatoes. Now the court mus

Soups Large pore Smoked pork Onion ...

Turn the smoked pork in a large saucepan Add the finely chopped onions and make them ready add the pores in the rings and season them until they are soft add about 20 liters of vegetable bowl Come in gold roots that are cut into rings Add the potatoes cut i

Mains Ketchup A little over half-a-pak. Spaghetti/macaroni Cheese, mozzarella/parmasan ...

Bring spaghetti / macaroni to boil. Meanwhile, cut the sausages in approx.1-1½ cm. In thickness. Cut the boot well. Stir the sausages together with a little peppers until they have become brown. Season the chopped onions in a small pot until golden. When

Mains Salt Sugar Potatoes ...

Cut the potatoes in the tern / sliced ​​and do not boil and boil them in salt and let them cool off. Bright lies over, cut them into thin slices Melt the margarine and cook the lye then add the whole egg and simmer and add the lemon juice of the squeezed lemo