Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Wholemeal bread Pepper Salt ...

Cut the cabbage into thin strips and put it short in boiling water. Let it drip into a sieve. Cut the pinned onions into slices and shake them slightly golden in the oil. Bring the cabbage in and turn it too hot. Pour vinegar, wine and spices. Season the chick

Mains Basil The vegetables from the boiling of fish You can add about 1 glass of white wine, if you feel like it ...

Rasmus Fish. The whole is boiled until the fish is tender and the fish is picked up and packed in foil. The wheat is poured and boiled with whipped cream. Rasmus potato salad. The potatoes are cut into slices and all mixed. tips: Serve with a g

Mains Paprika Pepper Salt ...

Form the meat for 4 steaks. Brush them briefly in a little fat on a forehead. Sprinkle with salt, pepper and some peppers. Put a steak on each piece of aluminum oil. Cut onions in thin rings, peppers in small tern and mushrooms in slices. Put it in a little

Mains Pepper Salt Sugar ...

Cut the sauerkraut into smaller pieces, pour a little boiling water over the sauerkraut + bacon until it is almost or even covered. Boil 1 hour. The cabbage is finely chopped, pour boiling water over the cauliflower + the mushrooms in another pot. Boil 30 -

Lunch Pepper Coffee cream Corn flour ...

1: Stir maizena with coffee and water. 2: Whip egg as well as salt and pepper in. 3: Bring the margarine on the forehead and make it golden. 4: Stir potatoes and onion with even heat for 3 minutes. 5: Add the hammer and raise for 2 minutes. 6: pour togeth

Mains Other spices according to taste and pleasure Fat Beef bouillon cube ...

Pour the grease into a pan and brown beef. The lid is chopped and added. Add fried tomatoes, salt, pepper, oregano, spice and broth. Add if necessary. water. While simmering the simmer you can cook the pasta as instructed on the bag. Pour the water from the

Appetizers Pepper Salt Eggs ...

1: Sprinkle potatoes and lean roughly. 2: Stir pork, potatoes, eggs, onion, salt and pepper to a father. 3: Form the father of an elongated bread. 4: Lay the bacon slices nicely on the bread. 5: Behind the lost hair at 225 degrees for 30 minutes. 6: pour

Sides Olive oil Salt Onion ...

Peel the potatoes and cut them into either thin slices or about 2x2 cm. Peel and cut into small pieces. Put well with oil (so it covers the whole bottom) in a saucepan. When the oil is hot (put between heat) put potatoes and onions in the pan and 1 teaspoon o