Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Pepper Salt Onion ...

Pears cut into thin slices, mushroom in quarts and peppers and onions in rough slices. The thinned spinach is pressed for moisture and chopped roughly. The feta is chopped / cut into small terns. Chop pieces (or fillets) cut into pieces of 2x2 cm and lightly

Soups Pepper Salt Cumin, whole ...

Chop chopped onions and garlic with chilli without the brining. Pumpkins and potatoes are cut into the tern and swirled with. Add the liquid, cumin and freshly ground pepper. Suppe simers for approx. ½ hour. Stav blend for a smooth consistency while adding

Appetizers A little margarine Pepper Salt ...

Put the brown beef in a saucepan with a little margarine, cut white cabbage into small pieces, rinse guillemots, potatoes and celery and slice it into smaller pieces, slice ginger and onions in rings. Bring all the vegetables in the pan with the browned dad an

Mains Sea salt Mini milk Pepper ...

Boil potato and celery completely tender. Pour the water and melt butter and fresh cheese in it. Pour milk, salt and pepper into and taste if necessary. To garlic. Heat the oil on a pan and sauté bacon, meat in strips and onions in slices of fresh thyme, sa

Mains Black pepper Citrus spice Semi-skimmed milk ...

Blended: Onions, cabbage, cheese and milk. Turn it together with garlic and flour in a bowl. Add div seasoning, pepper and taste with extra salt if necessary. Shape with a spk and raise them in, for example, in the Amo omega3 flies. Stack all the time as regul

Mains Basil Parmasan Pepper ...

On a pan, cut the onion, garlic and chili sauce. Meanwhile, cook the pasta until it is al dente. Chopped squash, peppers and olives are added. Step a little. Then add the pinned tiger prawns and stir until they have the nice red color. Then add the peppers a

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Cut the meat into the tern of approx. 5 cm (remove the worst grease). Chop the loaf roughly, chop the garlic finely, peel and shred the golden sauce, sweet potato and celery in the tern of approx. 1.5 cm. Brown the meat in oil, into a large cast iron pan an

Mains Pepper Salt Aubegine (cut small) ...

It all comes in a pan, along with the chicken thighs. It is covered with water and a little salt and pepper where it is boiled for 45 minutes. The frying pan is lubricated with a little olive oil and filled with "rice", so the filling is put inwards and then