Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Onion

Mains Eggs Pig hearts Onion ...

First take and chop hearts and onions with a meatbaker until it's a nice dish in a bowl and turn it into a scraper. Afterwards, mix the remaining ingredients into the dough and throw it on the forehead with a little margarine. And fry them 5-7 minutes. (Depend

Soups Fresh chili or a little St. chili Fresh hk. coriander or freshly hk. parsley Cut chives (optional) ...

Onions and garlic chopped in the tern and swirled in a little oil, the meat was brought in and switched. Broth and bulgur, coriander and chili are added and boil for approx. 15.min. Yogurt and maizena are stirred together and whipped into the soup. Season w

Sauces Onion Fish sauce Serious peanut butter ...

Chop the lap very well, roll the slices and cut into very thin strips. Mix all ingredients in a small saucepan and bring to boiling point with stirring. Keep the sauce warm until serving. tips: Taste good to pig and chicken. See if possible. Roast pork wit

Mains Coarse salt Pepper Salt ...

Cut the onions to the chop in rough pieces, halve the garlic cloves, turn it all with beer, vinegar, thyme and apple juice in a frying pan. Slice the lamb easily and turn into the mixture, season with salt and pepper. Cover the bowl of almond oil and put it i

Lamb Salad Crumbled feta cheese Pepper ...

meatballs: Mix the ingredients of a uniform father. Let the father rest for 1 hour in the refrigerator. Form to fry panels and raise them into the fat at medium heat for 3-4 minutes on each side. potatoes: Heat the oven to 250 degrees C Peel the potatoes

Mains Pepper Salt Broccoli head ...

Turn on the oven at 180 degrees. You first brush the chops on each side. Peel potatoes and cut them into small pieces. Chop broccoli and onion in small pieces. Take a large bowl and mix all the vegetables in, then add the chopped tomatoes, milk and squeeze

Mains 1 ds. Salsa Creme fraise Pepper ...

Turn on the oven at 180 degrees. Finch onion, pepper, squash, tomato and chili. Put onion and beef in a pan or wok. When the beef is fried, mix the burritos spice mix in and afterwards the other vegetables. After 2 min. Mix corn, beans and cumin with the me

Mains Pepper Canola oil for frying Salty (soy sauce can be used instead of salt) ...

Turn on the oven at 175 degrees (hot air) or 200 degrees (oven). Start washing and cutting all the vegetables to the green bottom in "mundage" pieces. The carrots are cut into thin diagonal (slanted) slices. The spring bulbs are also cut into diagonal sli