Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Leaf celery

Mains Pepper Salt Turkey approximately 4 ½ kg ...

Thaw the Turkey gently up, ca. 2 days in the refrigerator. Cut the neck and wing tips of, throw them out. Cut apples in both and celery into small pieces. Dry the Turkey well, rub the inside and outside with salt and pepper, and fill the Apple/celery mixture i

Mains Salt White wine. dry Olive oil ...

Onions and celery chopped fine. Heat the oil in a frying pan and add the onion, celery and a little salt and sauté for about 3 min. Then add the garlic and rice and turn down the heat. Who is stirred constantly and the rice begins to Cook, and will be af

Soups Chilli, crushed Curry Pepper ...

All the vegetables cut into small pieces and cooked with other ingredients added water so it just covers, approximately one hour. season with salt, pepper, chili and carry. eat the soup for all meals and in between. drink lots of water, unsweetened parallel th

Soups Pepper Salt Bay leaves ...

Heat the oil in a pan. Add carrots, onion and celery, all finely chopped, they pressed garlic and bay leaf. Stir and simmer for 15 minutes, covered. When the vegetables are softened, add the tomatoes in both as well as the sun-dried tomatoes into strips. Le

Mains Peppercorns, white Leaf celery Bay leaves ...

Do the fish and place it in a baking dish. 'S all root vegetables and cut them into small pieces. Mix all ingredients to boil brine and let it simmer for 15 minutes. SI lagen and got the carved root vegetables in and boil them for 5 minutes. Pour it all

Appetizers Minced parsley Pepper Salt ...

Leek, carrot and celery is cleaned and cut into thin strips. chicken livers are cleaned. liver FRY quickly about halvtfærdigt on a very hot pan and seasoned with salt and pepper. keep warm in oven covered with staniol. vegetables roasted on the forehead, seaso

Soups Lemon or lime juice Pepper Warm baguettes ...

The onions chopped coarsely. Sauté onion and garlic in oil with curry in 1-2 my stirring. Carrot peeled and chopped. Bladsellerien are washed and cut into slices. Tilsætes and sauté with in 1-2 min. lentils, broth, ginger, and bay leaf are added. The soup, cov

Mains Marjoram Pepper Salt ...

Term the flour, make a recess in the Middle, herein is complied with the eggs and olive oil. Sprinkle salt around the edges, and knead it to a smooth elastic dough. Roll it into a damp cloth, and let the rest in a cool place in 2-3 hours. Low filling while: