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Recipes with Leaf celery

Mains Leaf celery Carrot Handful of fresh herbs ...

Cut the onion in thin slices, and crush the garlic. Cut the other ingredients in coarse cubes. A large pot heats up with olive oil. Saute the vegetables for about 10 minutes. The peeled tomatoes poured in, and place the lid on. Let it boil at high heat fo

Lunch Pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

A few hours before serving or a day before boil the chicken in water with salt, whole peppercorns, an onion into quarters and Bay leaves. Cook with lid on low heat for about 1 ½ hours. Take the chicken up and let it cool off. Arrow the flesh of the legs and cu

Mains Pepper Juice of 1 lemon sieved Salt ...

Heat the butter and oil in a frying pan, Brown veal in it everywhere, turn frequently. Season with salt and pepper and cook 5 minutes more. Pour the wine and boil until it has evaporated. Add the carrot and celery and pour the 1 ¾ dl. water in. Put a lid on an

Appetizers Leaf celery Blue cheese Cayenne pepper ...

Remnants of blue cheese can break into pieces and stirred with a little cream. Season to taste with cayenne pepper and put a spoonful on a piece of celery.

Mains Freshly grated parmasanost Aromatic bouquet (thyme/Rosemary/bay leaf) Pepper ...

Cut the vegetables into smaller pieces and getting them in a food processor along with the cleaned parsley + garlic + onions (vegetables can also rives fine on a rivjern). Findel the meat and Brown it well in a frying pan or on the forehead. It should be gold

Mains Pepper Salt Cream 13% ...

Sautee carrots, onion, Apple and celery in oil. Sprinkle curry powder over and Grill for everything have got color. Add the grøntsagsboullion and cook the vegetables tender for about 45 min. Blend, warm, add cream and season with salt and pepper. Velbekomm

Mains Nutmeg, freshly grated Salt Thyme, dried ...

Sauté the finely chopped onion in a saucepan, then add the beef to the is svitset Brown. Add here after the grof treven carrots, fine cut celery, pressed garlic, oregano, thyme, salt, tomato paste and beef broth. It must have 20 minutes. Bechamel sauce: mel

Appetizers Watercress or dill Pepper Salt ...

Cook the macaroni according to the requirements and let it cool off. Steam fiskefiletterne tender. Thaw the shrimp up. Arrow eggs. Celery cut into very thin slices. White cabbage cut into very thin strips. Mayonnaise, sour cream and oil stirred together and se