Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Leaf celery

Soups Peeled tomatoes Green pepper Lipton løgsuppemix (or vegetable broth) ...

Chop the vegetables very fine. Cook it all in 10 min. (the vegetables must be covered by water.) Lower the temperature and let it all simmer for the vegetables are tender. The soup can be eaten when you feel hunger. You can eat as much as you want. The soup

Mains Leaf celery Parsley stems Concentrated tomato puree ...

Animal bovene cut into bite-sized cubes. Cut the rind of battle it out and cut it into cubes. Sauté the onions with a little butter and skalotte battle it out in a pan. Take it up and style it to the page. Sprinkle the meat with salt and pepper and Brown

Soups Cucumber Leaf celery Clams (canned) ...

Clean the leek, cut into thin rings, sauté in a pan without Brown. Stir in the flour and add the broth a little at a time. Let cook 3-5 min. Stir in the cheese and let it melt. Do not boil the soup now, otherwise it will be the cheese tough. Season with sal

Mains Fresh thyme or 1 tablespoon. dried Wheat flour Salt ...

Brislerne out in cold water about 1 hour before cooking. Take brislerne out of the water. In a large saucepan placed a boiling brine of the ingredients to boil the brine to a boil. Brislerne added in and boil for about 10 minutes. Take them out of the Pan a

Mains Corn starch Pepper Salt ...

Average fat layer on duck breasts in fine cubes right down to the flesh. Brown it in a hot pan on fat since first it is golden and then map on the flesh side. Season with salt and pepper and wrap each piece into the aluminum foil. Roast them in the oven at

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Coarse salt ...

Stir in yogurt with Cumin and salt. Style it in the refrigerator. Turn on the oven at 200 ° c. Willow buds and cut them from root to top into thin slices. Bladselleri stems cut into thin slices. Warm oil in a thick-bottomed saucepan. Fry the onions so th

Mains Chopped tomatoes, canned Oil Thyme, dried ...

Chop onion, garlic, celery and peppers coarsely. Grate the carrots fine. Heat the oil in a large saucepan. Saute the onion for 1 minute. Add the meat and FRY 5 minutes. Add the vegetables and saute the 3-4 minutes. Add the rice and stir. Add the beef broth,

Mains Lemon juice. freshly squeezed Dill, fresh Pepper ...

Favor shrimp, dill and chopped pale celery (the Green top) on the fillets. Sprinkle with salt and pepper and drizzle with lemon. Roll the fish together for the stuffing and place them in an ovenproof dish. Pour væden on and set the dish in the oven at 225 d