Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Leaf celery

Mains Butter Leaf celery White wine ...

A thick-bottomed pan greased with plenty of butter. Herein be the parsley, celery, leek and udskåren carrot, bay leaf and pepper. scrub the mussels under running water, and boxes all the mussels that don't close it by touch, as well as all who are particula

Mains Carrot Crushed peppercorns Bay leaf ...

Subcutaneous fat meat with bacon by making some incisions with a pointy, sharp knife, and Jack bacon into the meat (you can also ombinde the meat with bacon slices before frying). Mariner animal in a mixture of wine and herbs. The meat of the deer should be ma

Soups Freshly ground white pepper Parsley Butter ...

Cut the poularden in 8 parts, and rub them with salt and pepper. Butter an enameled soup pot at the bottom. Put a layer of udskivede leek, onion, carrot, celery and parsley in the bottom. Put the chicken pieces over, and let it boil during very low heat for 10

Mains Carrot Onion Pepper ...

Start by preparing the Spanish sauce. Boil the wine and broth together, and boil it in half. Fry the onion, leek, parsley, celery and carrot in butter, Add flour and let it take color. Add the tomato pureen and the indkogte fluid, and let the sauce simmer for

Pickling Pepper Leaf celery Red pepper ...

Celery and beans cut into small slices, carrots and peppers cut into small cubes, vinegar, sugar, salt, pepper and horseradish is cooked together. Vegetables cooked almost tender in vinegar mixture at 20-25 minutes and the last 10 min. Cook the vegetables with

Mains Fresh thyme Olive oil Pepper ...

Increased perlehøne the breasts first on the skin side. Turn them and add the Pearl onions and average celery. Add the thyme and broth. Simmer 15 minutes. Season with salt and pepper and serve, if desired. with boiled potatoes or rice.

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

All ingredients that can cut, cut into matchsticks, IE. 5 cm x 0.3 cm x 0.3 cm, equivalent to the size of a bean sprout. It is important that the stated objectives are complied with, otherwise it will be the Court of serious (and frying times do not keep).

Dressing Bataviasalat/lettuce Leaf celery Friséesalat/iceberg lettuce ...

Pipe flødeosten soft with creme fraiche little by little. Add parsley and thyme and season dressing with salt and pepper. Serve the dressing and salad to fried meat, eg. Lamb.