Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Leaf celery

Mains White pepper Pepper Cayenne pepper ...

Heat the oil in a large pot. Season finely chopped onions, peppers, celery and garlic for 5 minutes. Add tomatoes cut into tern, tomato sauce, broth, lemon juice, bay leaves, thyme, salt, black pepper, cayenne pepper, white pepper and paprika. Bring it to b

Mains Chinese soy sauce Chicken breast Solve rice ...

Cut the chicken breast into strips. Steam the meat for 2-3 min. In hot oil, without color. Add thin porcelain where most of the green is taken. In addition, thin slices of celery, finely chopped onion and finely chopped Chinese cabbage or white cabbage. Steam

Mains Salt Lemon juice thereof Acacia honey ...

Wipe the halibut fillets and put them on a baking sheet on a piece of lettuceous aluminum oil. The skinside should be downwards. Crush the junk berries and spread them on top of the fish with a little salt. Heat the oven up to 250 degrees C. alm. oven. B

Soups Pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

Brown beef and bacon in a saucepan. Season with paprika. Add chopped onions, chopped celery, carrot and potato in small tern, peeled tomatoes and broth and let the soup boil for low heat for about 30 minutes. Serve the soup warming with a spoonful of cream on

Appetizers Pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

Prepare the mussels by washing them and remove if necessary. Beard (some gripping-dimmers, on the flat side of the mussel.). REMEMBER !!! Make sure the mussels are alive: If they are open before steaming, then knock them to the table, if they do not close t

Soups Pepper Salt Leaf celery ...

Brown beef and bacon Season with paprika cumin as well tomato paste. Bowl chopped onion slices of celery Carrots and potatoes. Flattered tomatoes and broth. The soup boils at low heat. Season with salt and pepper. Server smelly hot with a little bit C

Cold cuts Pepper Salt Chives ...

Mash the smoke and stir the lind with cream or cremefraiche. Add finely sliced ​​radishes, finely chopped celery and chopped garlic or spring onions. Season with salt and pepper and server with coarse rye bread or crispbread.

Mains Pepper Salt Dådyrryg 3 kg ...

1: The back is cleaned completely free of obstacles and unnecessary tendons. Cut the longest tabs to the bottom of the ribs. 2: The meat is rubbed with half of the crushed juniper berries, salt and pepper. 3: Parsley, mustots, red onion, leeks and celery ar