Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Capers

Mains Cucumbers Mixed spices Capers ...

Cut the meat into fairly large pieces and put them into the pan with the sliced onions. There are seasoned well with salt and pepper and Spice mixture, and the boiling water and pour over kødkraften. Let it all simmer for about 2 hours. Served with pickled wal

Lunch Basil leaves Sea salt (maldon seasalt) Planed fresh parmesan ...

Grill or grate bread slices Golden and put them on a serving plate. Willow garlic feddet and rub the bread slices with the garlic. Let the tuna drain away. Drizzle olive oil over the bread and sprinkle with sea salt. Advantage the tuna on the bread, put the ca

Mains Capers Pepper Horseradish ...

Stir the meat to a father with broth, egg, salt and pepper. The form then forcemeat for large flat rissoles, and flip them in bread crumbs. Rose krebinetterne on a frying pan about 5 minutes on each side. Put krebinetterne on a platter, and a slice of le

Salads Dijon mustard Salt Chopped onion ...

Steam broccoli bouquets just tender in a little salted water, preferably in a microwave. Let them drain and become almost cold. Let also drain the chickpeas and mix them gently with broccolien and it diced onion. Egg and chop also the arrow and sprinkle it ove

Salads Garlic Pepper Salt ...

Cod roe from the shackles of EVS. membranes, cut into slices and place in a serving dish. Advantage finely chopped shallots, capers and olives. Stir a dressing of vinegar, mustard and oil. Taste for salt and pepper and, if desired, md garlic. Advantage dressin

Salads Lemon Minced parsley Pine nuts ...

Let the shrimp drag in lemon juice-the taste is increased if the småkoger a couple of minutes. Green sauce: Oil, pine seeds, garlic, the watered-down anchovy fillets and capers blended to a la sauce. The shrimp eaten with the sauce as a dip.

Salads Pepper Salt Chives ...

Cut the carrot in cubes and Blanch for 30 seconds. Cut the ham into small cubes and put them in. chop chives finely. Twisting caper free of moisture and chop finely. Turn all ingredients in mayonnaisen and yogurt mixture. Season to taste and serve.

Salads Olive oil Watercress or other herbaceous Fine green beans ...

The potatoes scraped and cooked tender. They cooled. Nippes and boil the beans 3-4 min. they are poured with cold water and allow to cool. Potatoes and beans mixed with chopped watercress or other green, URf.eks. flat-leaf parsley. That stirred a dressing of o