Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Capers

Mains Wheat flour Olive oil Pepper ...

Crispy roast onions and set them aside to no. The fish dealt, cut into appropriate pieces that reversed in wheat flour and seasoned with salt/pepper. Got butter on the forehead at the rose fish about 3 minutes on each side. Dijon mustard sauce: Sauté lig

Sides Fresh herbs Whipped cream White wine vinegar ...

Wash the potatoes and boil in salted water, Peeled and kept warm. Marinade: Dijon mustard, onions and capers is complied with in a blender and blend for a short time. Then pour the oil careful in the marinade is half thick. Finally met the cream in, and the

Appetizers Pepper Salt Lemon juice thereof ...

The water sieve/squeezed by the tuna. Tuna capers, lemon juice, salt and pepper to blend well in a food processor. Sour cream whipped stiff. Tuna sour cream and mustard mix together and season with salt and pepper. The smoked tuna laid out on a piece of

Dressing Freshly ground pepper Salt Finely chopped parsley ...

Whisk all the ingredients together and dressing to taste.

Dressing Groftkværnet pepper Salt Colman's mustard powder ...

The egg chopped, the onion cut into small cubes. All ingredients are stirred together and season with salt and pepper.

Dressing Dijon mustard Capers Parsley ...

Got all the ingredients for the vinaigretten in a blender or quick picks and blend it. If you do not have a blender, all chopped finely and mix with a whisk. Season with salt and pepper.

Appetizers Capers Cut chives Pepper ...

Mix cheese, onion and spices and stop falling into the squash flowers. The flowers can Sauté gently in a pan, or baked in a greased casserole dish at 160 degrees C, for they are through heating.

Mains Pepper Parsley Salt ...

Melt the butter in an iron pot or a heat-proof platter. Cut bacon into small pieces and grate it brittle. Brown the peeled, chopped onion. Cut the sausages into small pieces and add to the dish with capers and beans with sauce. Stir well. Stir broth in. Put a