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Pickling recipes

Pickling Juice of ½ lemon Ananaskød Red melatin ...

The fruit meat is blended or ground through the meat machine. Boil under low 10 min. Add sugar and lemon juice and cook the marmalade again 10 min. The melate is mixed with 2 tablespoons. Sugar and sprinkle with stirring in the marmalade and cook with 2 min. C

Pickling Thick stalks of purslane (500 g cleaned) Vanila Atamonpulver or 1 tsp. liquid atamon ...

The cleaned stems are cut into pieces of 3 cm. Water, vinegar and sugar are stirred together and brought to boil. Stir the dishes and cook for 3-5 minutes. Vanila and Atamon are added. Fill in hot, Atamon-washed glass that closes. The layer can also be spiced

Pickling Fresh dill Thick, juicy purslane stems (500 g cleaned) Water ...

The fresh leaves on the porcelain sticks can be stewed together with spinach. The cleaned stems are cut into pieces of 3 cm and put in brine. Set cool for 1 day. Vinegar, onions, bay leaves, finely chopped dill and sugar boil 5-10 min. The drained stems are pu

Pickling EVS. gelling and preservative Cherry Red currant ...

Sprinkle the cherries and chop them roughly (possibly in a food processor). Put them in a bowl together with the ribbed, rinsed ribs and give them 5 min. At full power 600w below low. Stir sugar in the berries and give them a further approx. 5 min. Know at ful

Pickling EVS. preservative Curry Mustard powder ...

Cut for example. Cauliflower, shallots, beans and carrots in small pieces. Put the carrots in a bowl of 3 tablespoons of water and give them 2 min at full effect 600w. Mix all the vegetables together in a bowl, pour the vinegar and give them 5 min. Take the ve

Pickling EVS. gelling and preservative Water Pears ...

Peel the bulbs and remove the core housings. Cut the pears into small pieces and mix them in a bowl of ribs, rinsed black currant and water. Put the lid on and give it 5 min at full power 600w. Add sugar, stir around and give it approx. 5 min. more. Add if nec

Pickling EVS. gelling and preservative Water Ground cinnamon ...

Rinse and nip the strawberries and place them in a bowl of water. Lay lay on Give them full power 600w for 5 minutes. Stir around a couple of times along the way. Add if necessary. Gelering and preservative stirring with a little sugar and fill the marmalade o

Pickling EVS. preservative Whole cinnamon Red chili ...

Peel the tomatoes with a fork and put them in a bowl of vinegar and water. Give them 5 min. At full power 600w. Turn sugar, spices, whole chili and slices of peeled ginger in and give them 5-8 min. more. Add if necessary. Preservative, fill the pickled tomatoe