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Recipes with White cabbage

Mains Chinese soy sauce Milk Oil ...

Cook the rice (or the day before). Chop the onions, garlic, leeks and peppers. Cut the white cabbage into strips. Sauté the vegetables in oil with added Curry in 4-5 min. Add cooked rice and ham cubes. Warm right through. Make an omelet from eggs and mil

Mains Chinese soy sauce Cooked rice Corn flour to jævning ...

The meat is cut into thin strips. Leeks, courgettes and cabbage chop into strips. (Use also the green from the pores). The oil is heated in a pan and chicken strips in while stirring vigorously. The oil must continue to be hot. When the chicken is fried wit

Mains White pepper Salt Butter ...

Share white cabbage in 4-8 pieces. Remove the outer coarse leaves and stalk. Came the cabbage in water, add salt and cook the good tender, it takes about 1 hour. Take the cabbage up into a sieve and let it drip. Twisting the cabbage-free water in clean tea

Mains Pepper Eggs Oatmeal, finvalsede ...

Meat, oatmeal, eggs, milk, spices and onions are mixed to a father's and made cold for at least 30 minutes. Forcemeat must be reasonably firm in consistency. Cabbage cut into large pieces and boiled in salt water for 20 minutes, until it is completely colla

Mains Pepper Salt Soy ...

Sauté the onion in the oil. The meat came in and let it Brown. Chop cabbage half coarse and it came in the pot along with water. Season with soy sauce, salt and pepper and let simmer for the right white cabbage is tender.

Mains Coarsely ground pepper Salt Tværreb-carved as the short ribs ...

Cut the kålhovedet in both, which in turn shared across and remove the stick. Came the cabbage in boiling water and let it get a rehash. Pour into a colander to drain. The peeled onion cut into coarse cubes. The apples were peeled off and core are removed.

Soups Celery Carrot Garlic ...

Saute smoked blubber into oil, cut the vegetables into small cubes, add vegetables. All Sauté, add the broth, add the rice or spaghetti. Boil at low heat for everything is finished. By serving tilsmages soup with crushed garlic, chopped lard and Chervil.

Mains Pepper Salt Bouillon cube ...

Sauté the grated onion and garlic in a little oil. Sprinkle paprika and chilli, then the meat. The grated carrot, ketchup as well as cube and water poured in, and the right spin for about 15 min. without lid. Season with salt and pepper. Cabbage chop finely