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Recipes with White cabbage

Salads Pepper Salt Pineapple juice ...

Rinse the cabbage and chop very fine. Carrots peeled and grated fine. Caramelized pineapple cut into small pieces and the onion cut into very fine cubes. The rest of the ingredients mixed in. Stir together the dressing and mix either in the salad or serv

Salads Pineapple juice. canning Sugar Mayonnaise ...

White cabbage and leeks, apples and pineapple chop finely cut into cubes. Mayonnaise and cream is stirred together, season with sugar and pineapple wetness. Cabbages, leeks, pineapples, apples and raisins mixed in the dressing and season. be made cool un

Mains Grated nutmeg White cabbage Salt ...

Cut the cabbage boil it in 5-8 minutes in water with salt. Shake flour and 1 ½ dl milk for a jævning add the same with the rest of the milk, let the cabbage boiling through a few minutes add the butter to dry little parsley in addition to Tips: season w

Sides Grated nutmeg Water Milk ...

katoflerne cut in thick slices and cook them very tender in unsalted water cut white cabbage finely and boil it a few minutes to the falls together pour the cabbage to turn on the oven at 200 degrees hot draining drain the potatoes and steam them dry mash the

Mains Pepper Salt Water ...

Cut the cabbage fine, and give it a rehashing in the water, to the falls together. Pour the drain in a sieve. Knead all the ingredients for the stuffing together. Butter a baking dish and place half of forcemeat in this. Advantage white cabbage on top, a

Salads Mayonnaise Pineapple. canning Onion ...

Take the væden from ananassen came in a large pot, steam the cabbage, stirring approximately fintsnittede 2-3 min let the cabbage to cool. Mix cabbage, fintsnittet carrots, finely chopped onions and pineapple together. Mix cream fine, sour cream and mayo

Soups Chilli, crushed Curry Pepper ...

All the vegetables cut into small pieces and cooked with other ingredients added water so it just covers, approximately one hour. season with salt, pepper, chili and carry. eat the soup for all meals and in between. drink lots of water, unsweetened parallel th

Mains Black pepper Minced garlic White cabbage ...

Begin the day before with putting the chickpeas to soak in the water. It must be a piece of the peas. Let them stand in a warm place for at least 12 hours. Drain through a sieve and add to a large pot. Add the 5 ½ l. water, the cleaned hen and beef chest an