Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Water

Cakes in form Ground cloves Bicarbonate of soda Water ...

Bring the honey, sugar and water to a boil in a saucepan. Let it cool and stir in spices, flour, bicarbonate of soda and eggs in the dough in a greased sandkage. fill the form or a small baking pan. Garnish with the whole peeled almonds. Behind the honey cake

Desserts (cold) Fresh mint leaves Cocoa Oil for brushing of the form ...

Pour the whipping cream and the split vanilla pod in a pan and warm up to the boiling point. Turn off and let the fluid drag. Beat the egg yolks white and airy with sugar. Roof vanillestangen up and scratch grains out. Came the grains in æggesnapsen, and stir

Mains Suit Pepper Port wine ...

The apricots soaked in port wine in a day. Fasanerne (cleaned) filled with apricots, sewn together and Brown and put in roaster. FRY in oven at 160 degrees C for about 3/4-1 hour. Bed sheet, cream, Foundation, broth, red currant jelly, water colour, salt

Mains Salt Roast pork Milk to sauce, if desired ...

Ask the butcher score ribbenstegen. Place the roast in a heat-proof dish who put in 250 degrees c. alm. oven. Let the roast Brown 20-25 minutes. Reduce heat to 170 degrees c. alm. oven and pour the water in, let the meat Cook another 1 ½-2 hours. If t

Desserts (cold) Fresh berries Fresh mint Whipped cream ...

Remove the stones from the dates, chop them coarsely and cook them with sugar and water for 10 minutes. Blend the mass to a pure and cool it down. Whip date mass together for it is light and airy. Whip the cream stiff and turn it in the date the mass along

Cakes Sweets Chocolate plums Coloured pellets ...

Melt the sugar, honey and fat in a pan and let it cool. Smut and chop the almonds. Mix them with flour and spices in a large bowl. Pour the sugar mass, in conjunction with the eggs and antler salt that is udrørt in water. Knead it well together and let the

Mains Wheat flour Pepper Salt ...

Bacon: Bacon slices rolled together-made up for grabs in a baking and roasting in an oven at 220 degrees C alm. oven for about 25 minutes. Gravy: Brown Butter browned and add paprika, madfløde as well as a little water is added and then tomato purre. Por

Mains Pepper Salt Strips lemon peel ...

Boil sveskerne in water with sugar until tender. Share hen in fit pieces. Take ryggben and sternum and cook power on them. Turn over the chicken in the flour, salt and pepper. Pour the oil in frying pan and fry the pieces until they are golden brown. Take t