Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Tomatoes

Mains French mustard Freshly ground white pepper Minced parsley ...

Mix wine, squeeze garlic, salt, pepper and thyme well together. Cut all the excess fat of the lamb and put it in a thin dish. Pour marinade over and leave it cold until next day. Turn the meat sometimes along the way. Take the meat a few hours before coo

Mains White balsamic Chervil Parsley ...

Lamb The lamb is cut into 4 pieces and browned on the forehead, seasoned with salt and pepper. panade Rasp, parsley, a little thyme, Parmesan and 1 dl. Olive oil is run on the "quick tack" or chopped fine by hand. Squeeze the lamb pieces and raise them fo

Mains New potatoes or new cabbage Good olievenolie Rack of lamb m. ben ...

Lammesky Put the chop and bones in a pan with a little onion, garlic, thyme and celery. Add some red wine and let it boil. Bring water or calf on until it covers. Boil, foam and simmer for a couple of hours. Purge the fund and cook it to the appropriate taste

Mains EVS. 6 Sun-dried tomatoes Pepper Salt ...

Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the packaging. Cut the broccoli into small bouquets and boil them approx. 5 minutes in low salt water. Clean the spring bulbs and cut them into long slices. Cut the tomatoes into large cubes. Cut or tear dried

Mains Oregano Pepper Salt ...

The ingredients are stirred together in a bowl. They are laid down on a forehead with a little fat on it. The steak rose for 10 minutes. On one side and reversed. Hereafter tomatoes are sliced ​​on the meat. Now pour the peeled tomatoes over, at last put grate

Lunch Egg for brushing Balsamic reduction Bread, such as durum flutes ...

Order pork tenderloin at the butcher a few days in advance. Tureen Brown the pork tenderloin in a small saucepan - first with the greasy side down. Brown the meat in a little oil if there is not any fat on the meat. Take the meat and brown carrot and bell

Mains Chili blended Garlic Pepper ...

Big carrots, eg Red Core, are run through a Spiral Slicer to get carrot paste. Tomatoes, sun-dried tomatoes, garlic and chili are mixed with tomato sauce, cooked with salt / tamari and pepper. A pair of pots of basil blend with the juice of a pair of ora

Lunch Balsamic reduction EVS. ½ tbsp oil Movies ...

portion Collations Order pork tenderloin at the butcher a few days in advance. Brown it in a small pot - first down the grease. Brown the meat in a little oil if there is not any fat on the meat. Take the meat and brown carrot and bell pepper cut into smal