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Recipes with Tomatoes

Mains Pepper Juice of 1 lemon Salt ...

The aubergines are washed and halved lengthwise. The long stalk is removed and the shards are brushed with lemon juice. Onion and garlic are peeled and chopped well. Let the oil warm on a frying pan and leave half the onions and garlic golden in it. Bring t

Mains A little bread crumbs or grated Parmesan cheese Oil Pepper ...

4 medium tomatoes are poured, sprinkle inside with salt and pepper and fill with a father of 100 g. Chopped lamb, ½ dl. Cream, 1 small finely chopped onion, 1 small finely chopped garlic. 1 nip oregano, lettuce and pepper. Place in an oil-fried ovenproof dish,

Mains Marinade Sauce thickens For frying ...

Place the meat in a bowl that holds approx. 3 liters. Clean all the vegetables for marinade, cut into smaller pieces and put them at the meat. Add spice bouquet and pepper grains and pour red wine at. Put plastic film over the bowl and place it in a refrigerat

Mains Pepper Juice of ½ lemon Salt ...

Cut the lamb in large pieces. Roll the onions and chop them nicely. Heat the oil in a saucepan and brown the meat well on all sides. Bring the chopped onion and let them turn golden. Sprinkle with plenty of salt and pepper and add curry and thyme. Pour the

Mains Salt Warm broth Edelsuss paprika ...

Cut the meat for about 3 cm. Big cubes. Hot 3 tbsp. Oil in a saucepan and brown meat pieces well on all sides. Take the saucepan of the heat, stir both kinds of peppers and the squeezed garlic sauce, put the pan back over the heat and pour as much water as the

Mains EVS. 1 tsp thyme Pepper Salt ...

The bulbs are chopped roughly and swirled. Paprika, if any. Thyme, tomatoes with juice and broth are added and it all simmer at low heat for 10 minutes. Cream fry is whipped in the sauce, seasoned with salt and pepper. The Schnitzler was cooked on the foreh

Mains Salt Black pepper Broth ...

Get the butcher to cut the meat into 12 uniform pieces. Rinse the tomatoes, flake them and cut them into small pieces. Mix the flour with plenty of salt and pepper and turn the meat pieces into it. Heat the oil in a frying pan and brown the pieces of meat w

Mains Pepper Salt Garlic ...

Cut tomatoes in quarters. Peel the cucumber and chop it roughly. Onions, garlic and ketchup are poured into a fastbreaker or a food processor. Chop it roughly. Chop chilli fine. Add salt, pepper and chili. Cook the pasta according to the instructions on the