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Recipes with Tomatoes

Salads Freshly ground pepper Eggplant Coarse salt ...

The eggplant is cut into slices, sprinkle with salt and simmer for 2 hours. Then wash them and dry well in kitchen paper. The eggplant slices are roasted in the oil, so they are brown on both sides. The tomatoes are cut into slices, the leaves are cut. It is a

Appetizers Corn flour Red onion White wine vinegar ...

Cook fries in mussel broth with saffron and bay leaves for approx. 6-7 minutes, under the lid (put baking paper between lid and pot). Cut onions into strips and sauté them in a little oil. Add white wine vinegar and let it boil, pour the layer from the frogs o

Mains Peas Hønsebouillon cube and water Chicken ...

The chicken is divided into smaller pieces. The tomatoes are scalded and flaked. The chicken pieces are baked in a frying pan. Tomatoes, broth, chopped onions and finely chopped garlic added. Coca Cola added to taste. The more coke, jø sweeter becomes th

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Egg and cream are whipped together, salt and pepper added. The bacon slices grate on a pan. Potato and tomato slices are shaken in the bacon grease and spread over the forehead. Eggs poured over and the omelet was cooked to completion. The omelet is s

Appetizers Olive oil Handful chopped parsley Garlic ...

Rinse the pepper fruit pieces, cut the top off and remove the stalk and seed roll. Put the peppers and the lid in boiling water and blanch them for three minutes. Pour the oil into a saucepan, pour the chopped garlic and chopped tomatoes and season them softly

Appetizers A little finely chopped onion Oil Red or green bell pepper ...

The beans thaw. Oil, vinegar, salt and mustard are whipped together and poured over the beans. Marinated for a couple of hours. The pepper is cut into strips, tomatoes in both. The appetizer arranges portionwise or on a dish.

Mains Oil Pepper Salt ...

Onion and garlic chopped and chopped in oil with the chopped beef. Add raw sliced ​​potatoes, chopped tomatoes and dried chilli. Season with salt and pepper. Boil the potatoes are tender.

Sides Pepper Parsley, fresh Salt ...

The tomatoes are halved and placed in an ovenproof dish. Garlic, parsley and mustard onion are chopped very nicely. Thyme leaves are sewn off the twigs. Both are stirred together with oil and poured over the tomatoes. The tomatoes are seasoned with salt