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Recipes with Tomato puree

Soups Suit Pepper Crushed chili ...

The onions are cut into slices, browned and picked up. The meat is cut into cubes and turned into flour with spices and brunes. The carrots are cut into large cubes. Onions and carrots come to the meat to the flesh. Boiling water or soup, tomato paste and

Mains Garlic powder Curry Pepper ...

Season the chopped chickpeas with curry, salt, pepper and garlic powder. Put them on a forehead so that they are brown on the sides. Put them in a flame dish. Cook the pasta for 9-11 minutes. When the pasta is finished, put it under cold water and afterward

Mains White pepper Salt Butter/margarine/oil for lasagnefad ...

Polenta: Pour polenta grit in lukewarm salted water in a pan. Warm on medium heat. Stir constantly until it thickens. Turn down to the lowest blow and stir very often so that it does not burn. Wide in 1 cm thick layer on baking sheet. Let it settle (there

Mains "(or 1 Caroline's steak sauce + a little tomato puree) Allspice Pepper ...

The ingredients of the steaks should be mixed and shaped into steaks. Brush the steaks on the forehead and put in a dish with the sauce around and into the oven for 20 minutes at 220 degrees. Then cheese and tomato are placed on the steaks and it all gets 5

Mains Bacon Mornay carton (you can buy in the local usage) Tomato puree ...

SIMPLE PRINT! Cook pasta Stew Chicken fillet and Bacon Mix Mornay Sauce and 120-140gr Tomato Sauce SAMMEN Mix ALL ingredients together when you are there. Insert the oven into a refractory dish. Ordinary oven, 200 degrees, 25 minutes. BANG, you now hav

Mains Oil for frying Pepper Breadcrumbs ...

Step onion and meat in the oil. Tear the carrots and put them in. Let it simmer for a few minutes. Chop the jalapenos fine and step with. Then bring the chilli and tomato puree in and let it fry quite briefly, stirring. Finally, the chopped tomatoes and the wa

Mains Pineapple pieces Bamboo shoots at will Chili ...

The chicken is boiled for approx. 20 min. In another saucepan mix tomato puree with pineapple juice, pineapple pieces and water. Add the other ingredients. The chicken is cut into small pieces and put into the pan. Finish with Maizena until the dish is t

Mains A bay leaf Freshly grated parmesan Sea salt ...

Start boiling the red wine to 2 dl. Heat a large pan well, add olive oil and brown the meat thoroughly. Remove the meat from the forehead, turn a little on the heat and add the finely chopped onions and a teaspoon. sea ​​salt. Stir in the onions constantly