Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Tomato puree

Mains Basil-oregano-Clary-chili Button mushrooms, sliced Spinach as desired EVS from frost ...

Fry the sauce in a saucepan and season, add onion let it swim for a few minutes. The chopped tomatoes and the puree are added. Pour morney sauce in, then add mushroom, carrot and spinach (Taste if there are more spices) Let the sauce simmer for 8-10 minute

Mains Cucumber Sour cream 8% Carrots ...

You take 6-10 large potatoes and divide them into 4 pieces, then take 4-6 carrots and cut them into slices. How to do: Bring 500 grams of minced beef in a saucepan, then add ½ liter of whipped cream, ½ liters of milk, a small can of tomato paste, add to the po

Mains Bulgur Chili Small onions ...

Rivet ran fine Bring the meat in a medium sized bowl with bulgur, salt, chili and grated onions. Thoroughly deal with your hands. Form small bowls of the dad, and put them on a work plate. Bring oil, tomato paste and water into a pan and bring to a boil whi

Mains Fresh pasta Paprika Pepper ...

The bacon is roasted, the beef is added and browned. Add tomato paste and shake for approx. 1 min. Add the cream and season with salty pepper and peppers. Allow small-scale for approx. 15 min. The pasta is boiled for 2-3 minutes and served for this purpose.

Mains Meat sauce Pepper Grated nutmeg ...

Pour 6 dl milk into a pan together with whole pepper, 1 bay leaf, 1 clove of garlic, 1/2 onion. Bring this slowly under boil on medium heat and simmer for 20 min. Meanwhile, the meat sauce can be cooked Put 1 whole onion together with grated carrots and

Mains Nutmeg Pepper Salt ...

Sweat the dad without fat until the meat separates. Karry Peppers Muskat Sugar Apples Pepper and onion add the sweets well with .tomatpureen Boulion dissolved in water and the cream poured and mixed well seasoned with salt and pepper. Let it simmer with lid fo

Mains Pepper Salt Magarine/butter ...

Cut the bacon into small strips and brown it in a saucepan, remove it and put it aside. Brown the chops one moment on each side until they get color and then remove them and put them in a large ovenproof dish, then lay the bacon down over / next to it. Cut

Mains Pepper Salt Thyme ...

The meat is switched in the margarine until it changes color. Onion is cut into tern and chopped with soy and tomato paste added. Flour and water are shaken together and stirred. 10 min. And taste it with salt and pepper. Then it cools down. The dough is st