Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Tomato puree

Salads Lemon Pepper Salt ...

Pick the fish in smaller pieces. Divide the tomatoes into quarters, scrape kernels and juice and cut the meat into smaller pieces. Chop the pickled cucumbers. Chop the parsley well. Taste the mayonnaise and yogurt with tomato puree, paprika, tabasco, lemon, mi

Soups Pepper Salt Coarsely chopped onions ...

Bring lentils, meat, onion and broth in a saucepan. Season with salt and pepper. Boil for 40 minutes or until the meat is tender. Mix tomato sauce, chopped tomatoes, parsley and coriander. Cook for another 5 minutes. Stir the flour with a little water for a sm

Soups Olive oil TSP Onion ...

The yogurt is added to a drain through a coffee filter for approx. 1 hour. The lenses are rinsed well in lukewarm water. The lid is chopped roughly and done in the oil. The pressed garlic is added and shuffled for a short while. Lentils, tomatoes, mint,

Soups Pepper Salt Broth ...

The lid is roughly torn and swirled in a pan of oil. Broth and lentils are added and the soup cooks approx. 20-25 min. Until the lenses are tender. The soup is flavored with lemon juice, salt and pepper and served immediately.

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

The meat is cut into 8 thin slices, beaten possibly. fleet. Mix the ham or bacon with the one egg, which is hard-boiled and chopped, as well as the loaf and the rasp. Mix this with the raw egg salt. pepper. The filling is distributed on the meat slices,

Mains A little lemon juice A little black pepper Cardamom ...

The onions are chopped, put in a dry saucepan and small bites here for approx. 20 min., Stir frequently. Then add the spices, butter and tomato sauce and put the chopped chicken into smaller pieces. Add water and salt and the whole slices until the meat is

Mains Different kinds of peppercorns Fresh thyme Salt ...

Make a good, powerful tomato sauce of finely chopped fresh tomatoes, tomato puree, broth, a pair of twigs of fresh thyme and different-colored whole peppercorns. Season with salt. Form the meat to the steaks and put a slice of bacon about each. Step the steaks

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped onion ...

Cut bacon into small tern and brown in pot 2-3 min. Onions and garlic are added and blanched. Add the rest of the vegetables and mix the mixture. Pour white wine into the pan and simmer 5-10min. Then add tomato, fond, pure, laurel, sugar salt and pepper.