Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Sugar

Mains A little salt Cucumber Dill ...

Beat the salmon meat with a fork and sprinkle evenly with salt and sugar. Cover the lid with film and style it in the fridge for the next day. For the cucumber cut 2/3 of the cucumber in half and remove the kernels with a teaspoon. Cut the rest into very fine

Mains Freshly ground black pepper Plenty of freshly ground black pepper Salt ...

Peel the potatoes and cut each in 4 slices. Blanch them in low salt water for 3 minutes. Pour the water and cool the potatoes in cold water. Shake the bacon cubes golden in the oil. Mix the mushrooms and let them shake with a few min. Before mixing the pepperc

Mains Pepper Salt Wheat flour ...

Opto spinach. This can be done by steaming it in a sieve if you have to rush. Press the spinach free of moisture. Bring some butter on a pan and steam the spinach for a few minutes. Sprinkle flour on spinach and add whipped cream and boil for a few minut

Mains Bouquet garni which consists of A handful of freshly planed parmesan Freshly ground pepper ...

Ratatouille: Ratatouille base can be made the day before. The tomatoes are scratched at the bottom and blanched in boiling water for 8 seconds, then they come in cold water. The skin is removed and the tomatoes are divided into 4, with a knife removed the cor

Mains EVS. 1/2-1 cup water Fresh salmon Coarse salt ...

Preparation: Cut three scratches (about 1 cm.) Across both sides of the fish. Then cut it into two pieces. Gnub salted down in the scratches and on the fish itself. Crush chilli and garlic into a mortar until it's all mixed to a rough amount. Chop the coriande

Mains Eggs Basil leaves Fresh salmon ...

Preparation: Mix 1/2 cup of coconut with 1 tbsp. flour. Put it aside. Fill the salmon so you only have clean bone-free meat (very important!) Mix coconut oil, chilli paste, fish sauce, basil, sugar and egg well together. Pour the mass into a refractory dish

Mains A little pepper Cucumber Whole peppers ...

Boil water with salt and pepper in a large pot. Take the pan off the plate and put the salmon slices in. Cook again and take the pan off the plate and leave the salmon slices in the pan approx. 15 min. (Do not boil). Place them on a warm dish. Cut the cucum

Mains Pepper Grated from 1-2 oranges Juice of one large orange ...

The fish fillets are sprinkled with the mixture of salt, sugar, pepper and fried orange peel. Then pour the orange juice over and finally dildo and the sides are put together on a dish. This is placed in the refrigerator for 2 days, during which time the fish