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Recipes with Shallots

Mains Suit Pepper Coarse salt ...

The beef tenderloin is freed for seniors, cut into 4 slices that are easily knocked by hand. Season with salt and pepper and fry in light brown butter, approx. 3 min. on every side. The meat is taken up and kept hot under the stanol roll. The onions are

Mains Watercress A small glass of plum brandy (e.g. slivovitz) A little olive oil ...

Frikassé: The canterelles are swirled in butter with the finely chopped shallots. Add white wine, olive oil and boil through. Add chopped parsley and mix with butter. Season with lemon juice, salt and pepper. Compote: Half plums of butter in butter. Seasone

Mains A little Basil Pepper Salt ...

Doves: Thighs and cuts are cut off. The hull is saved. Thighs bones and brush cleaned for the skin. Fathers: Half of thighs and breasts are made to father by driving it cool with some salt on the blender. Add quark, egg whites and a little cream to round of

Mains Fedtnet to unpack duebrysterne in Freshly ground white pepper Fresh Marjoram ell. other wildflowers ...

Cut the breasts off the pigeons and remove the skin. Stir the dad with the chopped chopped mork and fried apple. Put the breasts together two and two with a spooky father in between. Grab the breasts into a little abundant fat net. Put in a saucepan until they

Mains EVS. corn flour Pepper Salt ...

Divide the doves into thighs and breast pieces. Brown the pieces in a little butter in a saucepan. Cut the mustard onion and quarry and let them brush a little. Come on sage and then the white wine. Let the white wine boil for approx. The half. Come to the wat

Mains Chervil Thyme White wine ...

Duebryster and thigh bone bones. Pasta and fore gras are chopped well and put on the meat side of the duo breasts and packed with grease. Brown on a pan and finish the oven in the oven approx. 5 minutes at 180 degrees. Dueskroget brown with vegetables and a

Mains EVS. corn flour Pepper Salt ...

Divide the doves into thighs and breast pieces. Brown the pieces in a little butter in a saucepan. Cut the shallots in quarters, add them and let them roast a little. Come on sage and then the white wine. Let the white wine boil for approx. The half. Come to t

Mains Watercress Mushroom Tarragon ...

Calculate approx. 3-4 tablespoons fill per mackerel. The relationship between the ingredients is a temperament case. Open the mackerel from the back with a slight sharp knife and take leg and nose out (the bowel is kept unopened). Wipe them inside with a littl