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Recipes with Salt

Cakes Eggs Salt Sugar ...

Melt the butter yeast salt sugar egg mix in finally the flour knead the dough together and leave for 30-45 min Knead the dough rolled out the roll rolled together as a roulade cut into about 16 pieces of brush with egg sprinkle with parsley baked at 210 gr ap

Salads Bacon, diced Iceberg lettuce Turkey strips ...

Put the pasta in a boil. Season the bacon, ham and turkey meat and put it in a bowl. Cut the salad into strips and put it into the bowl. Add the pasta and pour the cooking cream over it all. Stir well with salt and pepper. tips: Other vegetables may b

Mains Pepper Salt Butter or oil for frying ...

The squash is cut into the tern and put to the bottom of a dish, together with the red pepper cut into rings or terns. The chicken fillet is heated at high heat in oil and butter for about 2 minutes. The chicken fillets are now put on top of squash and p

Mains Baking soda Fresh leek Sugar ...

Start chopping the pores in fine pieces. Then pour leaking water over the porpoises. Let them drag for 5 min. Then you take a bowl and mix the eggs and the oil together. Salt and sugarcake is poured down the mixture, along with the crumbled feta and yogurt. Th

Sides Fresh coriander or parsley mug A little finely chopped red chilli (to taste) Pepper ...

Cut the carrots for approx. 1 cm thick slices. Heat the slices of oil until they become slightly brown and the oil is colored by carrots. Add curry. The carrots must now be tender / crisp and the rest of the ingredients are added and the pot is taken from the

Bread, buns & biscuits Eggs Yeast Honey ...

Boiling water is poured over the kernels, the yeast is added and it all stands for approx. 20 min. The rest of the ingridients are added. For and well acclaimed. Brush with eggs and pumpkins or sunflower seeds sprinkled on. Bake at 200 gr. For approx. 15-20 mi

Lunch Pepper Salt Eggs ...

All incisions are whipped together. Pour the dough into a baking sheet or refractory dish and bake until the omelet is golden brown. 175-200 gr. In 25-30 min.

Mains Suit Salt Frying margarine ...

Peel the potatoes and scrape the tails clean. Take a large roast pot and put it on a high boil. Swell the tails a couple of times in the pan and then pick them up until everyone is switched. When all the tails are ready, 2 dl. Water in the pan and ½ teaspoo