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Recipes with Salt

Bread, buns & biscuits Sugar Wheat flour Yeast ...

Ingredients knead well, raise to double size. The dough is divided into 30-35 buns, which raise to double size Brush with eggs Bake at 220 gr. About 17 min

Appetizers Chervil Oil Pepper ...

4 of the virgin peas are frozen the day before and thaw on the day. Then chop the meat into small fine pieces, season with juice and rinse with a rinned lime, chopped dill, chopped garlic, salt and pepper. Set at max 2 degrees for use. Syltage is boiled by vi

Buffets Salt Eggs Milk ...

Stir milk, oil and eggs together in a bowl with a fork. Stir flour, sugar, salt and baking soda in another. Mix the contents of the two bowls and stir it with a spoon. Pour a small stick out as the pancakes raise a lot. Turn when bubbles appear. Make pancakes

Soups Shrimp/Chicken/Rice/bacon Apple cut into both Chili powder ...

- Butter is melted and all spices come in. - When it is crumbled, onions, garlic and apples are brought in and switched for approx. 1 min. - Add broth, cream fraiche and cooking cream. - Boil in min. 20 minutes - any longer. - Add the onions, apples and ga

Salads White cabbage Salt Apple vinegar or vinegar ...

Apples peel and cut into thin slices Carrots rupture roughly The cabbage is cut well The vegetables are mixed with oregano, vinegar, oil and salt. The mixture is kneaded / massed with fingers to soften the fibers. tips: Can be served immediately but

Mains Turmeric Comments Salt ...

1.Screw the lenses into a medium-sized pan. Add about one liter of water. Bring it to boil and simmer for about 45 minutes. The lenses must be soft, but not mashed. 2.Make the oil in a small pot at medium heat. Add the cumin and stir. Boil and stir for about

Mains Pepper Chives Salt ...

Procedure Season the finely chopped onions until they are golden and ready. Cut the sausages into slices and let them swim for a moment. Sprinkle peppers and mix well with sausages and onions. Rinse down the heat and add the sliced ​​katols, milk, tomato p

Lunch 4-8 slices sandwitch bread White pepper Salt ...

Steam or peel the chicken breasts and cut them into pieces when they are cold. Divide the pieces with your hands so that they become short strands. Step the red pepper on a very hot hob so the skin turns black and bubbles up. Remove as much of the black ski