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Recipes with Salt

Sauces Pepper Salt Butter ...

The butter is melted in a pan together with the tomato paste. Salt, Pepper, Sugar, Rosemary and Worcester Sauce mix and cook a little so the sugar caramelizes a little. Whiskey poured on and cooked to the boil the smell disappears. The whip flow is po

Breakfast & brunch Dough Boiling salted water in large pot Cold water in the tub ...

Bring all the ingredients to the dough in a bowl and stir / knead it together into a lump. Distribute the dough to 9 equal pieces. Bring flour on the clean table top and roll the 9 pieces of dough into thin dough plates. It takes a little practice and puts a

Sides Eggs Breadcrumbs Salt ...

Onions are cut into slices and the largest rings are used. Make rings first in eggs, then in rasp, back in egg and then in rasp. They are frying until golden brown, put on greasy paper and salted. Served and eaten immediately.

Dressing Pepper Salt Lemon juice from here ...

All ingredients except oil are stirred together in a bowl. Oil is added little by little under constant whipping so it does not separate. A little oil at the start and then it can be added in larger amounts. Preferably not more than one tablespoon at a time. C

Lunch Pepper Chives Salt ...

The eggs are boiled hard and cooled off. Chives, chives and eggs are chopped and added to mayonnaise (mostly home-cooked). Garlic crushed, added and everything is stirred and seasoned with salt and pepper. Served on a piece of rye bread. tips: Mayonnaise

Base recipes Lemon juice from here Fennel Leek ...

Vegetables and fish legs are chopped roughly and stewed hard in the pan with white wine. Add water to cover, add lemon and bring to a boil. After 20-30 minutes without lid, fish and vegetables are sourced and the water comes back to the heat with lemon juice,

Mains Pepper Salt Chicken broth ...

Boil broth so it is ready to add. Cut onions and chops in oil and butter on mild heat for approx. 1 min. Turn up the heat, add rice and the whole is heated for another 2 minutes. Then add white wine and after it has been taken into the rice add a dl broth.

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Chop all the ingredients roughly and mash them with a spelled blender (or else) Served for beef, pork or lamb. Ideal for culotter.