Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Salt

Mains Olive oil Pepper Salt ...

Put water over to pasta. This has to be salted and some olive oil needs to be poured into the water just before the pasta comes in. Step bacon until it is golden, in olive oil. Pour the cream on the forehead and put it together with bacon, get a boil. Bring

Mains Pepper Salt Butter ...

Season the onions in butter until they are ready. Eat the meat with onions, capers, beetroot, egg yolk and spices. Form the meat to 4 thick chop steak a few minutes. On each side of browned butter. If the steaks have to be passed through, they must roast

Sides Pepper Salt Milk ...

Stir all the ingredients together. Pour half of the marinade into a bowl. Put the desired meat into the bowl and make sure that all the cows get marinade on the underside. Pour the other half over the meat. Put the dish in the refrigerator and let the cats

Bread, buns & biscuits Chopped nuts or almonds Salt Eggs ...

1. The butter is melted in a saucepan. 2. 2 dl. Milk is poured into the melted butter. 3. Yeast and lid milk (1/2 dl.) Mixed in a bowl, and 4. Eggs, salt, sugar and cardamom are added 5. Stir the lukewarm milk in the yeast mixture 6. Add the meal a little

Lunch Icing sugar Pepper Red currant jelly ...

Whip egg, milk, salt and pepper together in a deep plate. Grease 2 slices of bread with 1 teaspoon of mustard on each slice. Share ham and turkey between them. Place half of each cheese on the meat. Place the last 2 pieces of bread on top of the cheeses. Ta

Desserts (cold) Bicarbonate of soda Salt Sugar ...

In a bowl, whip butter, peanut butter, brown dough and sugar together until it turns light and airy. Add the vanilla icecream and whip well. In a bowl, whip flour, baking soda and salt together. Stir chocolate chips in. Stir the flour mixture into the bu

Soups Pepper Salt Watercress ...

Soup: Peel and rinse the potatoes and cut them into slices. Peel the onions, cut them roughly, and brush them in the oil without burning them. Let them simmer for so long at low heat that they become bright golden. It takes about 20 min. The long cooking time

Mains Flat-leaf parsley Chervil Pepper ...

Brown the pork chop in rapeseed oil in a thickened pot. It is important that the pot is very hot, so the meat rises well before the other ingredients are added. Peel the shallots, halve them lengthwise and divide each half into 4 boats. Peel the celery and