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Recipes with Rice

Mains Pepper Saffron threads Salt ...

Heat the oil in a Saute pan and saute the finely chopped garlic and finely chopped chili. Add the chicken fillet, rice, saffron and broth and let Cook on a low heat for about 20 mins. Take chicken meat up, share it in smaller pieces and got it back in the P

Mains Pepper Salt Bouillon cube ...

Rinse the peppers, share them lengthwise and remove the giblets. Cut them into thin strips lengthwise. Willow buds, and share them in both quarters. Heat a sauté pan or suitable pot up with margarine. Fry the chicken breast fillets map on both sides. Take c

Mains Curry Chinese soy sauce Rice ...

's chicken or hen well both outer and inner. Anansmos and coarsely chopped walnødder mix. Fill the mixture into chicken or hen and close with a kødpind. Got the butter in a frying spawn until it is Brown, sauté in this and Brown the meat. When the meat is well

Soups Chopped fresh mint Paprika Salt ...

Rice, salt and soup boil for 15 minutes. Yogurt, milk and egg yolks whipped together and stir into the soup. The butter is melted and Peppermint and paprika FRY quickly in it. The soup is served with a little butter sauce in each portion

Sides Broth Cumino Oregano ...

The spices added to the water as the rice is cooked in.

Mains Mango chutney, sweet Mango chutney, strong Pepper ...

The loin is cleaned and cut into small steaks flat with a knock, as these events. The pieces paneres in egg and breadcrumbs and place in refrigerator. Coconut flour roasted in a dry pan, it is weak to light brown (remember not for high heat, and stir in it

Salads Green/yellow/red pepper A little crushed garlic Corn u. wetness ...

For the salad cooked rice. The mix with the vegetables and pour the marinade over.

Mains Soy sauce Coriander. leaves. fresh Red chili pepper ...

Heat a little oil in the wok, roast the meat for 2 minutes. Take the meat up and they came fintsnittede vegetables in, toasting in 3 minutes. Put the meat back in the wok. Add fintsnittet chilli and soy sauce to taste. Turn finally right with fresh coria