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Recipes with Pepper

Appetizers Fat Paprika Pepper ...

Find one or more dust balls on a field or where they now grow. It is the large white mushrooms that look like a football. They must be peeled and cut into cubes. Note: They must be completely white inside. Cut the bacon into small pieces and fry it in a

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Dough for tapas de empanadas: the yeast in the lukewarm water touched out. Oil and salt added. Approximately 2/3 of flour is stirred in, and then kneaded the dough with the rest of the flour. Highlights half an hour, covered, lunt. Pino-fill: the oil warms

Sides Pepper Salt Dijon mustard ...

Start with 2 egg yolks, stir them with water and vinegar for 5 minutes add the now oil in small quantities at a time like in drops in the beginning when there is 1/3 back can you pour it in the still whisking in a thin beam it is very important or separates ma

Mains Freshly picked oregano (half a handful) Freshly picked Rosemary (half a handful) Virgin olive oil ...

First you take the roast and place it in a deep/tall platter (roughly the same height as the roast). Then lubricate you roast into the olive oil and salt and pepper to taste. Next, take you and put the freshly picked bunder oregano and Rosemary on top of and a

Salads Dill Paprika Pepper ...

Cook rice approx. 15 minutes in salted water. Pour them in a sieve, shower cold water over and let them drain. Peel the Apple and cut it into cubes. Let the pineapple slices drain and slice into 1 cm large pieces. Let the meat drain crayfish and pick it apa

Sides Blue poppy seed Pepper Salt ...

The cooked celery blended together with 4 eggs, coffee cream, add a little at a time. Sages with salt and pepper. Place in greased cocoutter mousse that is greased and sprinkled with blue poppy seeds at the bottom. Beat cocoutterne easily against table edge

Appetizers Fill Pepper Salt ...

The water poured from asparagus and mushroom and drips. Chicken meat cut into cubes. Dressinge: Mayonaisen, sugar, salt and pepper and curry is stirred together, and add cream fraice. Asparagus, champignong and chicken be turned over in the dressing, and

Mains EVS. flutes and/or salad as an accompaniment Pepper Salt ...

Cook pasta about 8 mins, the last 2 min. of the bouquets broccolien on top of the pasta is added and cooked with. Clean the mushrooms and cut them into slices. Willow garlic and cut them just fine. Got the bacon in the Pan and let it cook a little. Then