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Recipes with Pepper

Mains Spring herbs: (calculate 400 grams for each person) eg: spring onions, potatoes, radishes, carrots or green asparagus Pepper Salt ...

Mix flour, salt, chervil and parsley. Add water and knead to a smooth dough has been achieved. Deck the dough with a cloth and allow to stand for poussinerne is ready. Cleanse and clean the poussinerne, cut the wings of to in the first indent from the body,

Mains Letkogt broccoli Cornstarch to jævning Pepper ...

Dry poussinerne inner and outer and brown them in butter. Brown also potatoes in butter. Poussinerne sprinkle with salt and pepper, place them in a dish together with the potatoes and FRY both parts in the oven approximately 35 minutes. For the sauce boil w

Appetizers Pepper Salt Fresh Rosemary ...

Clean the mushrooms and cut them into small pieces. Toasting on the forehead. Add the cream and let it boil for a creamy texture. Add the cleaned artichokes into thin slices and Rosemary fine cut. Season with salt and pepper and the benefit it in the hot tarte

Appetizers Pepper Salt Asparagus Harvester ...

Melt the butter in a pan and flour in. "baby came with asparagus water and cream to a slightly thick consistency. Cooked well through. Season with spices. Put shrimp and asparagus slices in the sauce. Tarteletterne put on a plate and warmed in the oven f

Appetizers Cayenne pepper Pepper Salt ...

Melt butter and whisk the flour in an infant with fish broth and. Add cream to a smooth stowage. Season with salt, pepper and cayenne pepper. Let the sauce Cook gently 5 minutes, frequent whipping Com drained lobster tails in the sauce. Inserts aspares into

Appetizers Garlic A little vegetables, leeks, celery, carrot Pepper ...

1 Partridge is put over to boil – simmer-with a little vegetables to the Fund. When the meat is tender taken the birds up. The flesh peeled and cut into småtern. They cleaned mushrooms and cut into same size as shared agerhønsekødet and sauté for 30 grams o

Mains Pepper Salt Spring cabbage ...

Lamb boned and filled a club with minced garlic, parsley and Rosemary. There are laces and Brown by then rubbed into the Sage and sea salt. FRY rosa in the oven at about 200 degrees for approximately 40-45 minutes. The top cut of fennikelen, and the cut in pie

Mains Corn flour Nutmeg Pepper ...

Lamb shoulder boned, bone end saves of shaft and polished. The bow is filled with citronfiletter, dill and a little Rosemary, seasoned with salt and pepper and laced. The herbs are cleaned and cut into appropriate pieces to braiserunderlag. Bow Brown of in bra