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Recipes with Orange juice

Mains Corn flour Orange juice Garlic pressed ...

Oven preheated to 180 degrees c. alm. oven. Put aluminum foil on a baking sheet, brush lightly with oil. Knead chicken meat, bread crumb, corn, chopped chives and flour together in a bowl. Share forcemeat in 12 servings, which are shaped to sausages, approx

Drinks (cold) Orange juice Gin Grand Marnier ...

Stir well with small ice cubes.

Drinks (cold) Dry vermouth Drambuie Orange juice ...

Shaken with ice and served before pouring it into the glass of port wine.

Drinks (cold) Crushed ice Orange juice Plantains ambon ...

All ingredients are mixed and drink are served.

Drinks (cold) Fanta exotic Bacardi limon Orange juice ...

The ingredients are mixed and drink are served. Fresh and easy to welcome drink.

Drinks (cold) Dubonnet Gin Orange juice ...

Shake well with crushed ice and si. Decorate with red berries.

Drinks (cold) Ice cubes Angustura Sweet vermouth ...

Ingredients shakes and drinks are served.

Drinks (cold) TIO pepe sherry Orange juice ...

Shake well with lots of ice. Sies.