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Recipes with Orange juice

Drinks (cold) Kiwi Strawberry grapes or star fruit Pineapple juice Raspberry juice ...

Approximately ½ liter of raspberry juice diluted with a little water and pour into ice cube trays or bags and place in the freezer – be made preferably some days in advance. Just before guests come, mix in pineapple and orange juice in a large glass or plas

Drinks (cold) Banana into smaller pieces (ca. 50 g.) Lemon juice Orange juice ...

Came the ice cubes and the remaining ingredients in a glass jar. Blend at the fastest speed for about 20 sec. or to the ice is crushed. Appelsinshaken to taste and favor it into 2 tall, cold glass. Serve immediately, if necessary. with thick straws.

Drinks (cold) Vanilla ice cream Orange juice Fanta ...

Apeelsinjuice, fanta in vanilla ice cream blended together. The mixture is poured into 4 tall glasses. Drink garnish with orange slices. Vingummierne distributed in the glasses.

Drinks (cold) Lemon slice Umbrella Orange juice ...

Shake all ingredients in shaker and pour ice cubes and garnish with strawberries in 1 umbrella lemon slice

Desserts (cold) Apple Banana Lemon ...

Sugar brine: water vanilla sugar boil. and blending it with citonsaft, orange juice and banana. allow to cool. Fruit: fruit cut into pssende pieces and pour over with bed sheet when it is cold. Yogurt ice cream: mix all ingredients together and freeze. y

Desserts (cold) Orange grated to thereof Vanilliesukker Orange juice ...

Boil the rice in 20 Minutes. Pour it into a sieve and blame the rindene cold water. Put the gelatine soak in plenty of cold water in the 5-10 Minutes. Whip the cream stiff and turn the rice, sugar, and orange peel in vanillie. Grinding the gelatine free of moi

Desserts (cold) Ground ginger Orange juice Pomegranate ...

Orange salad: Peel the oranges. Cut them in half slices and benefit them in the serving glass. Sprinkle the slices with sugar and let them soak about 1/2 hour. Inserts dates half through and remove stones. Halve the pomegranate Apple and scrape the flesh out w

Salads Sugar Water Orange juice ...

Cut the rind from the oranges, while also removing the white membrane. Keep the fruit in the left Palm and cut fillets of appelsinen from the membrane with a small, sharp knife and got the fillets in a bowl. Cut all 6 oranges out to fillets. Squeeze the juice