Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Chopped onion

Mains Freshly ground pepper Salt Marjoram ...

Wash and clean the hearts. Heat the olive oil and Brown hearts well. Came the breadcrumbs, butter, celery, onion, Sage, marjoram, salt and pepper in a bowl, and mix the ingredients together well. Came the mixture in the hearts and the hollowed-out apples. Plac

Mains Groftkværnet black pepper Dijon mustard Salt ...

The meat is stirred with the other ingredients and shaped to/beefburgers. FRY in oil 3-4 min. on each side until through fried. The spaghetti cooked according to instructions on package. Gorgonzolaen and break into pieces and sprinkled over. The stick is

Mains Pepper Salt Came seed from 2-4 cardamom capsules ...

Put lamb meat with the onion in a pan, which should be able to go into the oven. Add enough water to just cover the meat and bring to the boil, covered. Turn down the heat, remove the lid half and simmer for ½ hour to about 120 ml. moisture back. Add the cinna

Mains Some sprig of fresh oregano Pepper Salt ...

'S paralyzed both exterior and Interior. Dry it with a paper towel. Rub the inside with salt and then rub the salt and lemon juice on the outer surface of the lamb. Warm butter up in a large pan and fry the heart and kidneys, until they are lightly golden. Add

Salads Dijon mustard Salt Chopped onion ...

Steam broccoli bouquets just tender in a little salted water, preferably in a microwave. Let them drain and become almost cold. Let also drain the chickpeas and mix them gently with broccolien and it diced onion. Make a dressing of oil and vinegar, flavor it w

Soups Finely chopped chili pepper Yellow bell pepper Chopped tomatoes ...

The onion and sauté in a little oil clear peberfrugten. Add the meat and Brown. There are seasoned with cinnamon and salt and pepper to taste. Add concentrated paste, as well as the chopped tomatoes. At the same time add additional approximately 1/2 litres

Mains Eggplant Bechamel (of butter flour milk and a little grated nutmeg) Diced carrots ...

Cut the Eggplant into slices on the long part. Turn the slices in flour and fry them in olive oil. The minced goat meat Brown well on the forehead, to the væden has evaporated. Add the chopped vegetables and Brown on. Add the cinnamon rod, ground cumin and

Mains Salt Cayenne pepper Finely chopped green chili-seedless ...

Stir in the Turkey, egg, oil, spices and salt together well. Chop the cashews, onions, ginger, chilli and coriander leaves finely and stir that in forcemeat, together with garam-masala. Form forcemeat for four dumplings and set them on a spit. With a damp h