Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Recipes with Chopped onion

Mains Pepper Granola (whole grain bread crumbs) Chopped celery ...

Saute the celery and onion in butter or margarine until onions are clear, they should not be Brown. Take the Pan from the heat and mix the vegetables well with the rest of the ingredients. The filling can be used in hollowed-out Zucchini, aubergines, pepper

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped green bell pepper ...

Heat the oil in a pan and gently fry up the onion and garlic. Add the remaining ingredients, season with salt and pepper and put a lid on. The Court let simmer for 20 minutes. Can possibly. serve with a sprinkle of paprika.

Mains Skinned tomato chopped and freed of nuclei Chopped green bell pepper Minced garlic ...

Heat the oil in a pan, fry up onions and garlic and add the other ingredients. Put the lid on and let the vegetables simmer for 20 minutes.

Mains Pepper Salt Butter or oil ...

Saute mushrooms and onion in butter until onions are clear. Add the mushroom soup, noodles and squash and simmer until noodles are tender. Stir in the Court with sour cream and season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with Chervil or Basil. Warm right through

Soups Parmesan cheese Pepper Salt ...

Sauté onion and garlic in olive oil. Add the tomato and chili pepper and simmer to væden is cooked in. Add the squash and broth, let it boil up and turn down the heat. Let the soup simmer on in 25 minutes. Add the spices and serve the soup with a dusting of

Soups Pepper Salt Basil ...

Melt the butter in a saucepan and saute the zucchini, onions, bell peppers and garlic until the onion is clear. Cut the corn of the flasks and got it in the pan together with water and spices. Let it boil up, turn down the heat and let it simmer low for 10 min

Salads Dildfrø Lettuce leaves Baby squash, diced ...

Peel is not small, crispy baby Zucchini, cut them in cubes and mix them carefully with all the other ingredients. Sprinkle the salad with dildfrø and server it chilled on lettuce leaves.

Sides Pepper Salt Olive oil ...

Sauté onion and celery in oil, add squashen and let it sear with a moment. Pour it over with broth, came the rest of the vegetables and lentils in and let it all simmer for 25 minutes. Season, cooled and deep-frozen. The vegetable mixture is very well suite