Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Fresh vegetables-scraps of meat or fish Fresh spices or just dried (as needed-like to diligently use of "Spice-drawer") Spaghetti ...

Set water to boil first.---Spaghetti as needed (plenty) of boiling and cooked in salted water (one and a half spskf.) URpr.lit. pour a little canola oil on top-cooked in the meantime have you used 10-15 min. frying pan to letbrune onions and letkogte vegetable

Mains Pepper Salt Bouillon ...

Cut pepper Christmas salad carrots a la julienne. grate the ginger. Heat the oil in the Pan and stir at the krydderrierne well in oil. When it is hot, add the finely chopped roast vegetables and ginger. Mess around a bit in this and fry the fish When the fish

Mains Salt Soup herbs (Leek carrot celery parsnips parsley) Vinegar (balsamic, etc.) ...

The CARP cleaned inside and outside. Let the boundaries remain. Rub the CARP with salt inside. Let some gruel is in ca. 40 min. fitted sheet fitted sheet sies and place in a serving dish or fish stews. The CARP are dried inside and place in the dish. The dish

Mains Salt Corn groats Wheat flour ...

Cook the corn grynene 10 minutes in a pan of water. Stir from time to time. Mix margarine, salt and wheat flour in corn porridge. Knead the dough lightly. It should be soft and slightly sticky. Form dough into 8 small buns the size of a ping-pong ball. Roll th

Mains Barbecue spice Pepper Salt ...

Peel the potatoes and boil them and then let them cool off. Mix tuna egg chilli cottage cheese salt and pepper to taste in a bowl and stir it together. Cut the potatoes into pieces and put them in a serving dish so that the bottom is covered. Put the mixtur

Mains Barbecue spice Pepper Bacon, diced ...

The pasta is cooked. Bacon fried in a frying pan, followed by chicken fillet may be mixed together in the same pan. Add the barbecue seasoning and pepper in the meat is fried recorder better spices. Add the tomato paste and milk so the mass will be roughly

Mains Fresh herbs Pepper Parsley, fresh ...

Cod pieces seasoned m salt and pepper, turn over in rye flour and fried golden. Madagascarpebersauce: finely chopped onion Sauté in butter without taking colour herein granted crushed Madagascar pepper and boil down with cream. Marinated beetroot: 4 piec

Mains Suit Pepper Salt ...

Cut the onions and sauté them in the pan. At the same time formed the beef to some balls and press them down to desired thickness. After the onions are finished cooking the steaks at the same pan. When they are done take the of also and a dollop of mu