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Mains recipes

Mains Oil or margarine Pepper Salt ...

Stir all the ingredients together well and forcemeat is shaped to karbonader, which turned into bread crumbs or flour. Karbonaderne fried in oil or margarine in about 10 mins. Tips: Serve with pasta screws, tomato sauce and green salad.

Mains Spices URf.eks garlic pepper garlic salt paprika Yes just what you think about Margarine to the dish Nutmeg ...

Onion finely chopped garlic and Brown meat in pan in oil. When everything is brunet met peberfrugten in and fry with in about 2 min the meat tasted with salt and spices. The potatoes thinly and cut into skraldes you can now bechamelsovsenlaves in the sam

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes ...

Brown the chicken first in oil in a wok or large deep skillet add chopped onions, pressed garlic, curry powder, ginger and tikka. When onions are clear, add broth and the chopped tomatoes boil it all for about 5 min then added gullerødder in thin slices, ca

Mains Pepper Salt Coconut milk ...

Share the chicken in small pieces, and rub them well with salt. Onion and garlic peeled and chopped fine. The ginger peeled and cut into thin strips. The lower part of the washed lemon grass also cut in fine strips. Heat the oil in a relatively large pan an

Mains Lemon juice Wheat flour Salt ...

Soak the Sweetbreads or brain in cold water, then added the in cold water with 3 tablespoons of vinegar per litre. Carefully remove as much of the outer membrane as is possible without tearing hjernene or brislerne in pieces. 'S brislerne or the brains by cutt

Mains Pepper Salt Red wine ...

Renal injury split, cleaned and cut into cubes. Salt and pepper sprinkled over. Chopped onion and Brown in butter, the flour the kidneys sprinkled over and the other ingredients are added. The Court småsnurrer under lid 30-45 URmin.til kidneys are tender, poss

Mains 1 tomato and 1 clove garlic Cardamom Sauces are helping with the goulash tastes (available in specialty stores) ...

Pour the 9 dl. water in a saucepan, then pour the sausages in and boils them. cut in circles and put the yolks in the rest of the ingredients. pour down into the Pan and let it cook for about ½ hour. Stir periodically. Tips: Server it like with a glass of

Mains Breadcrumbs Eggs Flute ...

Flutene slash cut into thick slices and toasting on top raclettegrillen. Camemberten cut into 1 cm thick slices and served on a platter. The eggs are turned out and whipped with a fork with the cream and mix in the breadcrumbs. The butter cut into sma