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Mains recipes

Mains Green chilies, diced Fresh Sage leaves into strips Vegetables into small cubes – e.g. celery peppers or mushrooms ...

Turn the oven on 200 °. Prick the eggplants with a kødnål and put them in a heat-proof platter. Behind them ca. 1/2 time. Cut the rodenden of eggplants and hollow-out them gently with a spoon. They are tough, they bake a little longer. Click the fill wel

Mains Nutmeg Oil Pepper ...

1 kg. tomatoes cut into slices, and place on a platter 2 large onions cut into paper-thin rings are distributed over the tomatoes, seasoned with salt and pepper, and with oil and a little vinegar onto the potatoes are cooked. Rives, when they are cold, mix wit

Mains Herbal salt Virgin olive oil Eggs ...

Peel peeled and coarsely grated. Mix with 2 together beaten eggs, turmeric and herbal salt. The oil is warmed up in a frying pan and celery mixture accepted on. The FRY by good heat on both sides until it is light brown and coherent. Can be served as a separat

Mains Minced parsley Cranberry Compote turnips in Cranberry Compote Olive oil ...

Boil the potatoes until tender in water without salt. Clean the leeks and cut them into long slanting slices. Saute them in olive oil with thyme for high heat for a few minutes. Turn down, put a lid on and steam the pores tender in their own juice, ca. 10 min.

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

Squashen rives and pressed free of moisture, leek cut into thin slices, onion and parsley chopped finely grated. Everything mixed and rests for about 10 minutes. The mixture is too loose, add more oatmeal. FRY about 4 minutes on each side. Solve rice

Mains The clip of Marjoram Paprika Pepper ...

All vegetables mash or cut slowly out. Tomato juice and bread crumbs are soaked, stirred with eggs and spices. Stir in vegetable Moor. Place in greased ovnfad, sitting in the oven about 40 min at 175 degrees.

Mains Chili A splash of beer Cream ...

Clean the potatoes (possibly with a brush), cut them into about 1 cm-thick slices, and cook them for about 10 min with broth cube. Can possibly. Cook in pure seawater. Advantage of butter on the bottom of the Pan/pot. Slice the onion, tomatoes and sliced co

Mains Oregano, dried Pepper Pepper, black, crushed ...

Crack the Turkey Breast half through lengthwise and wide it out to form a large square. Sprinkle the meat with groftrevet feta, chopped oregano, chopped Sun-dried tomatoes, pine nuts, salt and pepper. Roll the meat together and lace it with cotton string. Seas