Find recipes from the World's Cookbook - Wocobook

Mains recipes

Mains Smoked breakfast sausage Emmental cheese Pickled cucumbers ...

Start with the smoked breakfast sausages to grill 5 minutes on one side. Take it off the grill and cut then in the page that is fried, a number of average ca. 2-3 cm deep. Set now alternating slices of cheese and slices of pickled gherkins in medisteren and gr

Mains Paprika Chives Salt ...

The meat, flour and 1 egg mix and add salt to taste and shaped for including small balls. A baking pan greased and sprinkled with flour into the fat and dough balls are added on. FRY in three quarters in the oven at low heat. The remaining 4 egg touched off wi

Mains Dill Pepper Parsley ...

Talgen cut into small cubes that melted in the pan. The meat is cut into cubes and Brown in the melted suet. Gullerødder and onions cut into thin slices, beans in 5 cm pieces of potatoes in dice (though not if the potatoes are small). So you take the Pan

Mains Salt Yoghurt or curds Garlic ...

The meat is cut into as many pieces as there are persons, add salt, invert in flour and FRY in fat. So be pieces of meat on a plate, while the onions Sauté in the same fat, in which the meat is added back, and the whole thing is steamed in yet another neighbor

Mains Lemon juice Fresh coriander leaves White pepper ...

Dry the chicken. Rub it with salt, pepper and pressed garlic. Place it in a pan and pour the milk over so that it covers. Put the lid on and let the chicken Cook for half an hour. Tag it up. Let Chicken cool and share the smaller pieces. Warm the milk again an

Mains Pepper Rosemary Salt ...

With a mortar crush garlic with a kvivspids salt, add the oil a little at a time until the garlic has become a creamy thick paste. Rub the chicken pieces into garlic cream also under the skin and let them marinate in cool 2 hours or overnight. Benefit le

Mains Pepper Salt Chicken thighs with backbone ...

Pat the meat dry and slice, if desired. Needless fur and fat. Brown the pieces very well on both sides in a pan. It is not necessary to use FAT, since the skin gives off a part. Season with salt and pepper and place the pieces into a baking dish. Cut the on

Mains Pepper Salt Chopped tomatoes, canned ...

Put chicken thighs in an ovenproof dish, season with salt and pepper. Set the dish in the oven at 225 degrees c. alm. oven. Fry the chicken thighs until tender about 40 minutes. Cut the leeks into rings. Cut the grossest of the top on the fennel lengthways