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Mains recipes

Mains Pepper from the grinder Salt Thyme ...

Broccolien: Put broccolien in a bowl and pour boiling water over. Let them stand 20 min. Blend, the rest of the vegetables and season with mustard, sugar, salt, pepper, dill and vinegar. Let broccolien vinaigretten afdryppe perfectly, turn in and let it drag w

Mains Pepper from the grinder Balsamic vinegar Lemon ...

Honey spinach: chop and steam the spinach in the water, which hangs at the væden and let evaporate. Place it on a platter. Melt the honey in balsamic vinegar, along with Rosemary, grated lemon peel and soy at medium heat. Add the finely chopped onion and garli

Mains Freshly ground pepper Lemon juice thereof Fintskåren flat-leaf parsley ...

The skin is taken by Turkey thigh, and it cut up. Visible fat and all the small Struts (15-20 pieces) cut out and thrown away along with the legs. The meat is cut into pieces of approx. 4 x 4 cm-1). Dressing whisked together and turned into flesh so the dressi

Mains Oregano St. Carnation Thyme ...

kryderrierne, tomatoes and eggs chopped/mix and chicken be marinated and grilled on a low heat for half an hour. water, boulion, gulde roots and peas are cooked into the vegetables are tender. and that was it. ... Tips: potatoes are just good

Mains Pepper Salt Lemon shell thereof ...

Butter, garlic and lemon blended together with lemon-garlic butter. Let it possibly. stand an hour or so, so the flavor from lemon and garlic pieces pulls out in the butter. Low two pockets between the skin and the flesh on each Turkey leg. Put lemon-hvidløs b

Mains Pepper Salt Eggs ...

The minced meat mixed with eggs, milk, garlic and spices, diced feta is expected eventually in. Then down in a heat-proof platter and formed into a loaf of bread and cover with bacon writes. 1 hour in the oven at 200 degrees c. alm. oven. Sauce: Tomat

Mains Coarse salt Garlic to taste Olive oil for frying (optional) ...

Fry the bacon in a pan, if desired. with a little olive oil until lightly browned. Add the onions and let them Roast with stirring for about 2 min. Add tomatoes and give it all a rehashing in the skiveskårnesvampe cream and spices added. The Court let simmer f

Mains Bacon Sausages ...

To start with there up in the grill is switched on. Then roll the raw bacon on the sausages. When the coals are clarified the sausages, with bacon on the grill. The sausages are taken by when the bacon has a nice golden color. Can be served with seasonal gø