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Lunch recipes

Lunch Oil Ketchup Herring fillets ...

The fillet fillets are roasted as you like them and put in a dish. Then the layer poured over the herring is mixed. Decorate with onions and onions.

Lunch Sugar on-demand Red currant juice Beetroot juice ...

The herring is taken up by the salt layer and diluted for some hours in cold water before being filleted. In the absence of salty herring, common marinated herring can be used well. The veal meat is tenderly tender. The veal can partly or completely be replace

Lunch Chopped onions Hot water Dark brown sugar ...

Dissolve the dough in the hot water, mix the remaining ingredients and add the herring fillets. Allow to cool in 2-3 days.

Lunch Cucumber Dill, fresh Red onion ...

The dressing is stirred together and there are even pieces of cornichoner, apples and cucumbers cut into thin bars and the sliced ​​onion. Mix the herring in and decorate with red onion and cucumber.

Lunch Lage Water Lemon ...

The silk fillets drip well. The leak is chopped nicely, the yellow mustard of the lemon is torn fine and the juice squeezes out. All the ingredients of the layer are whipped together and poured over the herrings. Decorate with the thin lemon slices. T

Lunch Lage Lemon juice Water ...

The herring is salted for 10 minutes. And put in a pan, the mixture is mixed and poured over. Herring vapors for 10 min. Taken up and cooled. Arranged in a bowl with the layer above

Lunch Sugar Wine vinegar Peppercorn ...

Dilute the herrings and cut them into suitable pieces, put them in a jar of thin onion rings and peppercorns. Peel one lemon thin and tear the others and squeeze the juice of all of them. The juice and grated must be mixed with curry and sugar and put over the

Lunch Pepper Salt Dill, fresh ...

Make a dressing of mayonnaise, creme fraiche, curry, mustard, salt and white pepper. Onions, parsley, dill, radishes, green pepper chopped and the eggs cut into slices. The herrings are cut into suitable pieces. It all turns together with the dressing in