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Lunch recipes

Lunch Pepper Of grated cabbage and carrot Slaw sprinkled with lemon juice and 1/2 banana Lemon juice ...

Tube hytteosten with basil, garlic, lemon and pepper. Stuffed Turkey and hytteret in grovbollen and råkosten to eat.

Lunch Italian salad Lightly salted, boiled calf tongue Isinglass ...

Ox tongue cut into thin slices, placed in a serving dish. Cooked mushrooms cut into slices and combine with asparagus slices and beans as garnish. Heavy soup spiked with bouillon cubes and isinglass used for sky. The cold soup onto the icing to attach it. When

Lunch Sugar Boneless sildefiléter Vinegar ...

Sildefiléterne cleaned and turned into flour with added salt and pepper, then FRY for about 5 minutes on each side until they are golden brown. Then be in bed sheet of sugar and vinegar.

Lunch Pepper Salt Thyme ...

Arrow and slice the onion into thick both, got them in a pan with the carrots cut into smaller pieces. Pour the water and steam onions and carrots until tender. Blend the vegetables, season with salt and pepper and thyme.

Lunch Pepper Salt Sour cream 18% ...

Turn on the grill. Cut the spring onions fine. Crack the chili, remove seeds and mince the chili-meat. Stir in the sliced scallions and the finely chopped chilli up with sour cream in a bowl and season with salt. Rinse the avocados, crack them and take t

Lunch Pepper Salt Acacia honey ...

The shrimp thawed and peeled. Let tail tips page. Put the prawns in a marinade of white wine, chopped garlic, salt and pepper for a minimum of half an hour. The stegs in a frying pan 2 – 3 minutes on each side in the marinade. Rinse and cut cauliflower i

Lunch Friskpressetr juice of one lime Salt Chilimed kernels, very finely chopped ...

Fill: Came up rice noodles in a large bowl and pour in plenty of boiling water over it. Wait about 5 minutes until they are soft. Guilt noodles in cold water, and cut them into 5 cm pieces. Cut the root of shii-take mushrooms and chop them roughly. Mix all the

Lunch A little sugar Pepper Salt ...

Honey, Orange and lemon juice, fintsnittet garlic and water mix and cooked thoroughly. The mushrooms toasting for themselves with salt, pepper and a sprinkle of sugar. Mix the mushrooms up in honey lagen and server for a piece of toast or fried meat.