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Risotto Bolognese

Cook time: 0 min.
Servings: 4

Ingredients for Risotto Bolognese

a little Oil
a little Parmesan cheese. Reef
1 can Peeled tomatoes, canned
1 45 + mozzarella ball (fresh)
200 g Onion
300 g Beef, chopped roughly 16% fat
600 g Rice

Instructions for Risotto Bolognese

To prepare the Risotto Bolognese recipe, please follow these instructions:

Pour oil into a pan. The onions are chopped and roasted in the pan. (Pour a little water in to prevent the bulbs from "burning").

Bring the chopped meat in, it will be exchanged with the onions. When the meat is completely cooked. Then add a can of peeled tomatoes (must be blended first).

It all boils together.

Then add rice, salt and pepper to taste. Boil on low heat approx. 15-20 minutes.

Can also be used as a starter!

If there is some rice left over, they are put in the fridge and can be used the following day to make Suppli Romani.

There are rice buns sandwiched with rasp and they are made by mixing rice with approx. 1 egg yolk per 150 g rice, a little parmesan cheese, and then roll into balls and pan in rasp. Please try. With a small piece of mozzarella in the center of the balls. The balls are roasted in oil until golden brown.

In Italy and Spain, you use rice either for starter electricity. main course. In Italy it is called Risotto, and in Spain Riso a la Banda, el. paella.

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