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Recipes with Vanilla

Cakes in form Bicarbonate of soda Eggs Canola oil (optional) ...

Eggs, sugar, vanilla, fruit juice and milk, beat well together in a bowl. Flour, baking powder and bicarbonate of soda mix in another bowl. The two mixtures together and reversed the berries turned into. The dough is filled into the molds, which are lubrica

Cakes in form Bicarbonate of soda Eggs Canola oil (optional) ...

Eggs – sugar – vanilla – fruit juice and milk, beat well together in a bowl. Flour – baking powder and soda mix in another bowl. The two mixtures together and reversed the berries turned into. The dough is filled into the molds, which are lubricated well, o

Pickling Preservative Vanilla Vinegar ...

The pears, halved and peeled out in vinegar water. Boil until tender in vinegar water spiked with vanilla and sweetener. Put in glass flushed with preservative. The brine is boiled up, and add a preservative. Pour over the pears and tilbindes immediately

Drinks (cold) Sugar Vanilla Blackberries ...

Came blackberries, ice cream, milk and vanilla in a glass jar and blend quickly into a uniform mass. Season to taste with sugar. Server in tall glasses with straws.

Cakes in form Fresh strawberries – so that it covers the bottom – cut into quarters Mørdejs bottom Vanilla ...

Cream, sugar and vanilla cooked up the gelatine is stirred in and cool easy.. Pour over the strawberries-made on ice for 3 hours.

Drinks (cold) Vanilla Cognac Coconut nøddekød ...

Mix all the ingredients and let it all be in 3-4 weeks. Turn on a daily basis. Coconut tends to be porous and absorbs the liquid then filter and pressure carefully so you get such a large dividend as possible.

Drinks (cold) Vanilla Coffee beans Vodka ...

Mix water, sugar, and coffee in a frying pan and bring to boiling. Remove the foam and let rest to cool completely down. Add vodka, coffee beans and vanilla pod. Store dark in 3 weeks. The filter Can now be served. * Interchangeable with a cognac/vodka mixture

Desserts (cold) Cornstarch scraped tablespoons Vanilla Sugar ...

Apples peeled and cut into small pieces. The apples and water brought to a boil slowly and is allowed to cook on a low heat until tender. Season with sugar. Remember to whip all the time. The bog must cool off. Whites whipped stiff and mix gently with the c